It has been necessary to refer
repeatedly to the .effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of
innovation. It should be (1) also that technological
innovations have (2) the character of war itself by the
(3) of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed
during World War Ⅱ (4) a special mention. The (5)
of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as
a (6) of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the
Earth’s gravitational pull had been (7) by the Russian and
the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in
1926. (8) , a group of German and Romanian pioneers was
working (9) the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this
team that developed a rocket (10) of delivering a warhead
hundreds of miles aw A. transformed B. imitated C. innovated D. simulated [多选题]呼吸保护器具是供消防指战员呼吸器官免受( )伤害的保护装备。
A.浓烟 B.高温 C.毒气 D.火焰 E.缺氧 [多选题]雨季施工期间,除应采用防护措施外,(____)天气不宜进行混凝土露天浇筑,且不应进行大面积作业的混凝土露天浇筑。
A.小雨$ B.$中雨$ C.$大雨$ D.$暴雨 [判断题]铁路道口标志是警告车辆驾驶人注意慢行或及时停车,包括有人看守铁路道口标志和无人看守铁路道口标志( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]列车应按铁路技术管理规程、列车编组计划和列车运行图规定的()编组。
A.A、编挂条件 B.B、车组 C.C、重量或长度 D.D、位置 [单项选择]益母草膏的功能是( )。
A. 疏肝清热 B. 健脾益气 C. 活血调经 D. 散风清热 E. 补肾益气 [单项选择]注册会计师对或有负债的审计程序一般不包括( )。
A. 向债务人函证 B. 获取管理当局声明书 C. 获取律师声明书 D. 向与被审单位有业务往来的银行函证 [多选题]GIS气体外逸事故发生后4h内任何人进入室内必须穿戴( )。
A.防护服 B.手套 C.护目镜 D.备有氧气呼吸器的防毒面具 [单项选择]Legends about King Arthur have existed since the 6th century. Stories of the man and his doings have grown far beyond anything that could be regarded as factual history. Here are some of the highlights.
Arthur was born as a result of the wizardry of Merlin, who arranged all adulterous liaison between Arthur’s father, King Uther Pendragon, and his lover, a married duchess. Merlin agreed to do this only if the lovers allowed him to bring up the child born of the affair. When Uther Pendragon died some years later, there was confusion in the kingdom about who should inherit the throne. Merlin arranged a pageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone. Whoever successfully extracted the blade was the rightful king. After many a brave knight had tried and failed, Merlin presented the young Arthur who, to everyone’s surprise, easily pulled out the sword. As king, Arthur established the knightly fellowship of the Round Table at his castle of Camelo A. he was the old king’s only son B. he was supported by many brave knights C. he was the strongest man in the kingdom D. he pulled the sword from the stone [单选题] 进路准备好后,场调通知后台值班员, ( )__通知司机越过信号机动车。
A. 场调 B.后台值班员 C.前台值班员 D.司机 [多项选择]RA的治疗包括()
A. NSAID治疗 B. 一般性治疗 C. 糖皮质激素治疗 D. 外科手术治疗 E. DMARD治疗 [多选题]通过使用下列哪种命令可以获得本机的IP地址( )。
A. ping B. winipcfg C. trA,C,Ert D. ipconfig [单选题]疥疮皮损好发于( )
A.头部、面部和颈部 B.胸背部及腰部 C.四肢的伸侧 D.臀部及双下肢,手掌及足背 E.指缝、腕部屈侧、下腹部、股内侧 [单选题] 病稻草、( )都会成为水稻白叶枯病的初侵染源。
A.带菌田水、再生稻 B.带菌谷种、再生稻 C.带菌土壤、再生稻 D.带菌田水、带菌谷种 [多选题]异物侵限监测系统报警,桥路工区接到异物侵限系统报警信息后,确认线路上有异物时,能立即处理时立即处理,不能立即处理时及时将( )报生产调度指挥中心。
A.异物大小 B.异物位置范围 C.异物影响行车情况 D.线路情况 [判断题]根据《合同法》的规定,租赁合同的租赁期限在6个月以上的,合同应当采用书面形式,当事人未采用书面形式的,视为不定期租赁。()
A. 锁骨上淋巴结 B. 锁骨下淋巴结 C. 主动脉旁淋巴 D. 肝门淋巴结 E. 腹股沟淋巴结 [单选题]进行高压电能计量装置带电调换工作时,应填用(____)。
A.第一种工作票 B.第二种工作票 C.带电作业票 D.操作票 [判断题]一轴晶的主折射率有两个,分别是Ne和No。
[单选题]某啤酒厂为增值税一般纳税人,2020年6月销售啤酒20吨,取得不含税销售额57400元。另收取包装物押金3500元(含供重复使用的塑料周转箱押金500元)并单独核算。该厂当月应缴纳消费税( )元。
A.4400 B.5000 C.4800 D.4000 [单选题]使冻伤人员的冻伤部位解冻时,应该用下述( )方法。
A.火烤 B.不超过40℃的温水浸泡 C.不低于50℃的热水浸泡 D.不超过20℃的温水浸泡 [判断题]在路堑及城市市区内的道口可不设护桩。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]事前公开包括( )。
A.内容 B.基础 C.载体 D.动态调整 我来回答: 提交