The Internet is a global network that
connects other computer networks, together with software and protocols for
controlling the movement of data. The Internet, often referred to as "the Net",
was initiated in 1969 by a group of universities and private research groups
funded by the US Department of Defense. It now covers almost every country in
the world. Its organization is informal and deliberately nonpolitical; its
controllers tend to concentrate on technical aspects rather than on
administrative control. The Internet offers users a number of basic services including data transfer, electronic mail, and the ability to access information in remote databases. A notable feature is the existence of user groups, which allow people to exchange information and debate specific subjects of interest. In addition, there are a number of hi A. even farther information transfer B. online commercial promotions C. academic uses D. distributing multimedia information [单选题](238335)DF4C机车基础制动装置检查时,闸瓦间隙调整器的螺杆、螺套的横动量不大于( )mm,调节功能良好。(1.0分)
A.0.8 B.1.0 C.1.2 D.1.5 [单项选择]下面有几个关于局域网的说法,其中不正确的是______。
A. 局域网是一种通信网 B. 连入局域网的数据通信设备只包括计算机 C. 局域网覆盖有限的地理范围 D. 局域网具有高数据传输率 [多选题]下列选项属于中共四大的内容有( )
A.提出了无产阶级领导权问题 B.提出了工农联盟问题 C.明确了资产阶级问题 D.提出了新民主主义革命的基本思想要点 [多选题]魔百和上涉及哪些领域的增值业务( )。
A.视频 C.动漫 D.音乐及阅读 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定,列车晚点广播每次间隔时间不超过()分钟。
A.10 B.15 C.30 D.60 [简答题]为什么说包装是商品的组成部分?
[单选题]( )按测验的内容可分为两大类,一类是能力测验,另一类是人格测验。
A.心理测验 B.成就测验 C.生理测验 D.情商测验 [单项选择]进城务工家庭的子女,经常面临学习的困难,社会工作者需要关注他们本身以及家庭的状况,同时也要考察城乡生活方式以及教育水平之间的差异,这体现的是运用()。
A. 小环境 B. 生态视角 C. 大环境 D. 以家庭为基础 [判断题]力是物体之间的相互机械作用,只能使物体产生变形。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]少先队的队礼是()。
A. 右手五指并拢,高举头上 B. 立正站直 C. 弯腰鞠躬 D. 抬头挺胸 [简答题]Directions:
You are going to give a send-off speech at a farewell party given in honor of Prof. Kerry Stubbs. In your speech, you would 1) indicate the purpose of the party 2) acknowledge what Mr. Stubbs has done 3) invite Mr. Stubbs to speak You should write about 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. [多选题]根据《国家电网公司变电运维管理规定(试行)》,驻地宜设在重要枢纽变电站,原则上省检修公司运维班工作半径不宜大于()。
A.60公里 B.90公里 C.或60分钟车程 D.或90分钟车程 [判断题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)20.2.3规定:在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过2m时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用来查看报表页面数据输出形态的视图是
A. “设计”视图 B. “打印预览”视图 C. “报表预览”视图 D. “版面预览”视图 [单项选择]Americans this year will swallow 15000 tons of aspirin(阿斯匹林), one of the safest and (62) drugs (63) by man. The most popular medicine in the world today. It is a pain (64) Its bad (65) are relatively mild, (66) it is cheap.
For millions of people suffering from arthritis (关节炎), it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, (67) , is truly the 20th century wonder drug. It is also (68) suicide drug and is the leading (69) of poisoning among children. It has side effects that, (70) relatively mild, are largely unrecognized (71) users. A small (72) of aspirin (two five-grain tablets) relieves pain and inflammation (炎症). It also reduces fever by interfering (73) some of the body’s reactions. Specially, aspirin seems to (74) the formation of the acids (75) in pain and the complex chemical reactions that 76 fever. The chemistr A. section B. number C. part D. quantity [单选题]异常声响的电力电容器应予以( ) A. 密切观察 B. 更换
A.A B.B [多选题]由三个频率相同、振幅相等、相位依次互差120°的交流电动势组成的电源,称三相交流电源。三相交流电较单相交流电有很多优点,如(____)。
A.它在发电、输配电以及电能转换为机械能方面都有明显的优越性 B.制造三相发电机、变压器较制造单相发电机、变压器省材料,而且构造简单、性能优良 C.制造三相发电机、变压器较制造单相发电机、变压器省材料,而且构造简单、性能优良 D.在输送同样功率的情况下,三相输电线较单相输电线,可节省有色金属25%,(1分)而且电能损耗较单相输电时少 [判断题]传统需求计划审査工作主要在线下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]如果当起飞推力设定时,发动机滑油压力指示在琥珀色的区域:
A.不要起飞 B.起飞后减推小推力来保持可接受的滑油温度 C.连续地监控滑油压力 D.无需动作 [多选题]高碳炉冷却水总管出口温度高报,其联锁动作有哪些?()
A.高碳炉1至7区加热器断电 B.氮气预加热输出功率为零 C.氮气供应切断 D.冷却水供应切断 [单项选择]下列部门中承担对政府内部事务管理职能的有( )。
A. 公安部门 B. 检察院 C. 行政监察部门 D. 人民法院 [单选题]犬蠕形螨寄生在犬的什么部位( )
A.十二指肠 B.胃 C.毛囊 D 肝脏 [判断题]保证作业现场安全的组织措施,作业风险识别、评估、预警,作业开工,作业监护,作业间断、转移、终结.
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交