Science writer Tom Standage draws apt
parallels between the telegraph and the gem of late 20th century technology, the
Internet. Both systems grew out of the cutting edge science of their time. The
telegraph’s land lines, underwater cables, and clicking gadgets reflected the
19th century’s research in electromagnetism. The Internet’s computers and
high-speed connections reflect 20th century computer science, information
theory, and materials technology. But, while inventions make a global network possible, it takes human cooperation to make it happen. Standage’s insight in this regard adds depth to his technological history. It under- scores the relevance to our own time of the struggles of Samuel Morse in America, William Cooke in England, and other telegraph pioneers. They made the ’technology work e A. The telegraph. B. information theory. C. Materials technology. D. The Internet. [单项选择]女性,26岁。间歇性牙龈出血伴月经过多1年。体检:双下肢可见散在出血点及紫癜,肝脾不大。血红蛋白120g/L,红细胞4.6×1012/L,白细胞5.5×109/L,分类正常,血小板25×109/L。若确诊首先应进行()
A. 骨髓象检查 B. 血vWF测定 C. PT测定 D. D-二聚体测定 E. 血小板相关抗体测定 [判断题]编组站、区段站到发线、调车线以外的线路上停留车辆,是否需要防溜,由铁路局规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
集中型馈线自动化系统分为全自动式和()两种方式 A.分布式 B.交互式 C.全人工式 D.半自动式 [单选题]黄明书记指出的“三个短板一个不足”是中的“一个不足”指的是什么?
A.认知上的不足 B.能力上的不足 C.制度上的不足 D.革命精神上的不足 [单选题]流行性出血热的主要传染源是什么?:
A.A患者 B.B病原携带者 C.C鼠类 D.D家畜 E.E家禽 [多项选择]主动脉口()。
A. 为右心室的出口 B. 口周缘有主动脉瓣 C. 为左心室的出口 D. 口周缘有二尖瓣 E. 口周缘有三尖瓣 [单选题]氧化锌避雷器保护水平不再受间隙放电特性的限制,仅取决于过电压作用时的(____)。
A. 通流特性 B. 续流特性 C. 残压特性 D. 绝缘水平 [多项选择]下列项目中,应计入一般纳税企业商品采购成本的有( )。
A. 购入商品运输过程中的保险费用 B. 进口商品支付的关税 C. 采购人员差旅费 D. 入库前的挑选整理费用 E. 支付的增值税 [多选题]涉水行动是要注意避开带电设备和线路以及水面下的沟槽,窖井、洞穴等危险部位,接近建筑时要警惕高空坠物、构件不稳定倒塌等,防止发生( )等险情。
A.触电 B.跌落 C.击伤 D.倒吸 [多选题]配电《安规》16、1、7 规定:遇有( )时,不得进行起重作业。
A.大雾 B.照明不足 C.指挥人员看不清各工作地点 D.起重机操作人员未获得有效指挥 [单项选择]适用于前头、颜面、颈前、上胸部穴位针刺的体位是()
A. 侧卧位 B. 侧伏坐位 C. 仰靠坐位 D. 俯伏坐位 [单项选择]Gianni Agnelli, Chairman of Fiat, Italy’s largest private industrial corporation, is known in Italy as the lawyer, because he trained in law at Turin University. Though A he has never practiced, his training may be useful. On April 17th Mr. Agnelli admitted to a group of Italian industrialists in Venice (19) Fiat had been (20) in some corruptions in Italy. On April 21st, Fiat’s lawyers and Cesare Romiti, its managing director, met Milan magistrates to (21) the firm’s involvement in bribery to win business from state-owned companies.
Fiat is not the (22) Italian company caught up in Italy’s increasing political corruption scandal. According to the latest figure, some 200 businessmen and politicians were sitting in prison (23) a result of judicial inquiries into kickbacks paid to politicians by firms. Hundreds more are still (24) influence of Fiat, (25) sales are equal to 4% of Italy’s home product, the scandal at the A. or B. also C. and D. nor [单选题] 当L=30m时,用目视定线即可达到精度要求,其定线误差为( )。
A.≤0.12m B.≤0.15m C.≤0.20m D.≤0.22m 我来回答: 提交