We all believe that modem technology can make life
better because it makes everything faster. But by (11)
everything up,we suffer losses we have not yet learnt to know. Our day
begins with speedy urges:the alarm rings and you jump (12)
bed,You take a quick shower. Then you wake the kids and 13
them through breakfast so they won’t miss the bus. At the dining
table,you swallow some slices of bread with a cup of tea. When everything
(14) ,you hurry to the car,thinking of the things you would buy
from the supermarket on the way (15) . Driving 20 minutes in
the busy traffic,you reach your workplace,rushing into the building and
(16) up the stairs three at a time,arriving at your desk with
seconds to spare. You take (17) deep breaths. Then,you
instantly remember that A. leaping B. walking C. driving D. moving [单项选择]“世界针灸学会联合会”成立于()
A. 1990年 B. 1953年 C. 1987年 D. 1969年 E. 1989年 [单选题]整列回送动车组以外的客车底列车,辆数不得超过()辆,编入的客车车辆的最低标记速度必须符合该列车规定的最高运行速度要求。
A.18 B.19 C.20 D.22 [判断题]继电保护装置的任务之一是当电力系统中某电气元件发生故障时,保护装置能自动、迅速、有选择地将故障元件从电力系统中切除。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]配电线路杆塔按用途可分为( )及分支杆、跨越杆和其它特殊杆。
A.直线杆 B.耐张杆 C.转角杆 D.终端杆 [判断题] 雷电流由零值上升到最大值所用的时间叫波头。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]接线组别不同的变压器可以并列运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]因劳动者本人原因给用人单位造成经济损失的,用人单位可按照劳动合同的约定要求其赔偿经济损失。经济损失的赔偿,可从劳动者本人的工资中扣除,扣除标准不得超过劳动者当月工资的( )。
A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.4 [判断题]现场检查分为全检、抽检。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交