{{B}}Geniuses{{/B}} In 1905, Albert Einstein developed the theory of special relativity. He also proved that atoms exist and figured out that light behaves as both a particle and a wave. To top it all off, he developed his famous equation E=mcc, which describes the relationship between matter and energy, the same year. He was only 26 years old. Without a doubt, Einstein was a genius. So was Isaac Newton-as any fan of "Star Trek". The Next Generation can say he invented physics. He also played a big role in the development of calculus, which some people have trouble comprehending even after extensive classroom study. Another genius, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, started composing music when he was 5 years old. Mozart wrote hundreds of pieces before his death in 1760 at age 35 A. has done something of great influence B. started his/her career at a young age C. has eccentric behavior D. has odd appearance [填空题]一个词的语法功能指的是这个词在句法结构里所能占据的()。
A.操作正确 B.拖延 C.操作错误 D.伤情 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单选题]–年10月27日00:30运营调度(正线)发布采用电话闭塞法组织行车的调令(演练),五塘广场站在幕府山站未回复站台空闲、同意闭塞并回复电话记录号码的情况下,便同意幕府西路站闭塞并将列车发出。以下关于电话闭塞法办理作业的主要程序和要求,错误的是( )
A.路票交接地点为司机所在驾驶室的站台上,路票交接必须由车站多职能组长亲自或指定人员与司机核对、交接,司机接到路票后方可关门,凭车站的发车信号动车。 B. 对于填写的路票,应根据《行车日志》的记录,车控室与站台工作人员认真核对,确认无误后方可与司机核对交接。 C.发车站须查明区间空闲,并取得接车站同意接车的电话记录号码后,方可填发路票。 D.发车站和运营调度(正线)共同确认第一趟发出列车运行前方的区间空闲。 [单选题] 在广阔水域上空进行各种渔业飞行的最低天气标准( )
A.云高不得低于 100 米,水平能见度不得小于 2 公里 B.云髙不得低于 150 米,水平能见度不得小于 3 公里 C.云高不得低于 200 米,水平能见度不得小于 3 公里 [单选题]______列车通过限速区段时应加强速度控制,避免超速。
A.CBTC B.非CBTC C.ATC D.TBTC [单项选择]下列属于时间管理基本程序的是()
A. 调查 B. 评价 C. 规划 D. 预算 E. 分配 [单项选择]毒素的产生与前噬菌体有关的细菌是()
A. 霍乱弧菌 B. 破伤风梭菌 C. 大肠埃希菌 D. 结核分枝杆菌 E. 白喉棒状杆菌 [简答题]一般在哪些情况下禁止启动或运行汽轮机
A. 01001100 B. 11011101 C. 11101010 D. 01101010 我来回答: 提交