Changes in the American
Family{{/B}} How much change has really occurred in the American family and what are the implications of these changes First, the household size has changed greatly since 1790. From 1790 to 1978 the mean family size was cut in half from 5.79 persons to 2.81 persons. In 1790 almost 63 percent of all persons lived in the households of five or more people. By 1978 the size accounted for a little over 14 percent of all households. By the end of the 19th century a majority of Americans were living in urban areas, and the family was very much influenced By the rapid development of industrialization. With the arrival of immigrants, the urban population was increasingly heterogeneous(由不同成分组成的). This challenges the exclusiveness of any single family pattern. In the 20 A. In the 20th century, there are some families without children. B. Most of the families in the 19th century had five or more children. C. More and more Americans tend to live with their parents after marriage. D. Fourteen percent of the U.S. families now have five or more children: [多选题]关于输电线路工程施工区布置说法正确的是()。
A.施工区域应设置施工现场风险管控公示牌 B.要机械设备应设置设备状态牌和操作规程牌 C.基础施工场地采用安全围栏进行围护、隔离 D.牵、张场应布置休息室、工具房和指挥台 E.略 F.略 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定紧急破窗锤标注“紧急使用”标志,安放牢固,便于取用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列有关剥脱性唇炎的说法不正确的是
A. 该病多见于年轻女性,尤神经质者 B. 常伴有脂溢性皮炎、皮脂腺异位症、齿槽脓肿,或有舔唇、咬指甲等习惯 C. 多表现为唇红干燥、脱屑或结痂,反复发作 D. 多发生于上唇部 E. 局部应用皮质激素制剂有效 [单选题]巡视检查的检查方法以( )为主。(《建筑基坑工程监测技术规范》(GB50497-2009)4.3.3)
A.目测 B.量尺 C.放大镜 D.锤 [单选题]关于脊柱的描述,正确的是 ( )
A.有8块颈椎 B.有4块骶椎 C.胸部运动最灵活 D.腰曲凸向前 E.颈曲凸向后 [单项选择]下列不宜放置宫内节育器的情况是()
A. 人工流产术后,宫腔深8cm B. 哺乳期妇女,月经未复潮 C. 自然分娩8周月经复潮者 D. 月经干净后3~5天无性交者 E. 剖宫产术后半年 [判断题]《反洗钱法》中规定的反洗钱调查,是指中国人民银行或者其省一级分支机构针对特定的可疑交易活动,依法向有关的金融机构进行核实和查证的行政行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交