In 1998, consumers could purchase
virtually anything over the Internet. Books, compact discs, and even stocks were
available from World Wide Web sites that seemed to spring up almost daily. A few
years earlier, some people had predicted that consumers accustomed to shopping
in stores would be reluctant to buy things that they could not see or touch in
person. For a growing number of time-starved consumers, however, shopping from
their home computer was proved to be a convenient alternative to driving to the
store. A research estimated that in 1998 US consumers would purchase $ 7.3 billion of goods over the Internet, double the 1997 total. Finding a bargain was getting easier owing to the rise of online auctions and Web sites that did comparison shopping on the Internet for the best deal. For all the consumer interest, reta A. to the interest of all the consumers B. for the interest of all the consumers C. though consumers are very much interested D. all the consumers are much interested [单选题]2.654.第654题
反向型电力专用横向安全隔离装置如果内网多台主机访问外网同一台主机时,外网主机虚拟IP可以设置(),但是内网每一台主机的虚拟IP地址必须()。 A.一个、不同 B.多个、不同 C.一个、相同 D.多个、相同 [单项选择]下列各项中,不属于营业税征税范围的是( )。
A. 随汽车销售提供的汽车按揭服务 B. 企业转让土地使用权 C. 受托方代购货物原票转交委托方并收取的手续费 D. 邮电部门代出版单位收订、投递和销售报纸、杂志的业务 [单项选择]浙江农村经济发展迅速,成绩令人瞩目:乡村两级固定资产总额从1990年的182.6亿元增加到1995年的953.1亿元,年均递增39.2%,村级集体经济总收入从1990年的16.8亿元增加到 1995年的82.4亿元。转换经营机制、拓展聚财思路、加强集体资产管理,是浙江发展壮大农村集体经济的较普遍的主要做法。
A. 13.11亿元 B. 13.12亿元 C. 13.21亿元 D. 13.20亿元 [判断题]在采掘工作面,瓦斯浓度小于5%时绝无发生爆炸的危险
A. 从产品类型看,购房属于有形商品消费,旅游属于享受资料消费 B. 从交易方式看,以前租房属于租赁消费,现在通过银行贷款购买商品房属于贷款消费 C. 从交易方式看,以前租房属于生存资料消费,现在通过银行贷款购买商品房属于发展资料消费 D. 从消费目的看,旅游属于生存资料消费 [单选题]班主任工作的主要任务是( )
A.评定学生操行 B.教育学生努力学习 C.做好家长工作 D.对学生进行品德教育 [多选题]光纤通信系统包括下列哪些部件( )
A.光发送机 B.光纤 C.光源 D.光接收机 [判断题]放、撤导线应有人监护,注意与高压导线的安全距离,并采取措施防止与低压带电线路接触。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]MRSA引起的败血症可用()治疗。
{{B}}Wedding Ceremonies{{/B}} A wedding is celebrated with some kind of ceremony almost everywhere in the world. The ceremonies vary greatly among different nations and different religions. But whatever the form of a marriage ceremony, it serves the important purpose of announcing to the community that a male and a female have been joined in matrimony(婚姻). The wedding ceremony may be a religious one performed by a churchman. In Western societies it may be a civil ceremony performed by a civil official, such as a mayor or a judge. Or it may be only a couple’s declaration, before witnesses, of their intention to marry. In some places a transfer of property makes a marriage binding. In other places blood is drawn from the hands of the bride and groom. The blood is mixed, sealing the union. Among some people the marriage rite consists only of the bride and groom’s sharing the A. making marriage vows B. drinking wine C. celebrations lasting for days D. wearing the finest jewelry [单项选择]患者戴某,女,30岁。昨晚不慎受凉,突然出现呕吐,呕吐胃内容物及清水,伴有恶寒发热,头身疼痛。无汗,口不渴,胸脘满闷,舌苔白腻,脉濡缓。此病证属
A. 脾胃虚寒型 B. 饮食停滞型 C. 痰饮内停型 D. 外邪犯胃型 E. 肝气犯胃型 [判断题]体育舞蹈是融体育与舞蹈为一体的新型体育运动项目,它风靡世界、覆盖全球,深受全时间人民的喜爱。
A. 气管插管辅助呼吸 B. 开胸探查 C. 输血、补液 D. 立即吸氧 E. 胸腔穿刺排气减压 [单项选择]药用部位是花粉的药材是()
A. 天花粉 B. 蒲黄 C. 丁香 D. 款冬花 E. 红花 [单选题]吊弦预制长度应与计算长度相等,偏差应不大于( )mm。( )
A. ±0.5 B. ±1 C. ±1.5 D. ±2 [判断题] 途中会车时,须注意临线列车运行情况。 (1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]遇有()时,不应进行起重工作。
A.雷雨天 B.大雾 C.照明不足 D.指挥人员看不清工作地点 E.起重机操作人员未获得有效指挥 [单项选择]保障受试者权益的主要措施是()。(2009年考试真题)
A. 知情同意书的签订 B. 伦理委员会严格审议试验方案 C. 伦理委员会的组成和工作不受任何参与试验者的影响 D. 伦理委员会与知情同意书的取得 E. 伦理委员会的确立 我来回答: 提交