A budget (预算) is a spending plan. It
can help you spend money wisely. It can do this by cutting out wasteful
spending. Of course, preparing a budget takes planning, and following a budget
takes willpower (自制力). You budget should meet your family’s needs and
income. The first step in creating a budget is to set your goals. What do6s your family need and want You must know all that to work out the details of the budget. Never spend more than you can. Then decide which goals are A. It can help you set your goals clearly. B. It can help you save a lot of money. C. It can help you get rid of poor buying habits. D. It can help you spend money wisely. [单选题]国家间最根本的竞争是()。( )
A.经济竞争 B.军事竞争 C.制度竞争 D.政治竞争 [多项选择]线路大、中修验收时轨枕应达到()标准。
A. 位置方正、均匀,间距和偏斜误差不得超过40mm B. 无失效,无严得伤损 C. 混凝土宽枕间距和偏斜误差均不得超过30mm D. 螺栓道钉无损坏,丝扣及螺栓杆全面涂油 [单项选择]个体根据已有经验而建立起来的一种内部准备状态,是一种通过学习而形成的关于目标的认知观念。这在托尔曼的学习理论中被称为
A. 目的 B. 期待 C. 准备 D. 认知结构 [判断题]申请反假货币奖励时,应提交“立案决定书”、《批准逮捕决定书》和“起诉意见书”复印件各一份。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]咀嚼周期的轨迹图形为()。
A. 似水滴形 B. 椭圆形 C. 三角形 D. 圆形 E. 新月形 [单选题]在作业繁忙的调车场上,因受地形、地物影响,调车机车司机看不清调车指挥人的手信号时,应设( )。922000000
A.表示灯 B.表示器 C.调车表示器 D.发车表示器 [单选题]试验装置的操作回路中,除电源开关外还应( )零位开关,并应有过负荷自动跳闸装置。
A.并联 B.混联 C.串联 D.断开 [简答题]迁移模型反映的迁移年龄模式的一般规律是什么?
[单选题]( )15 U888系统中,当处于被报告占用,但未被CBTC报告占用时,轨道区段的颜色为()
A.稳定淡蓝色 B.稳定紫色 C.稳定红色 D.稳定绿色 [单选题]118.下面哪种子载波间隔是中国移动白皮书中规定必选( )
A.15KHz B. 30KHz C. 60KHz D. 120KHz [单项选择] United Nations
A major segment of the Untied Nations is the General Assembly, which consists of representatives from all governments that have ratified the UN Charter. As of 1995,185 states had membership in the general Assembly. Additionally, the Vatican, Switzerland, and the Palestine Liberation Organization have nonvoting observer status in the General Assembly. The General Assembly approves the UN’’s budget, acts with the Security Council to select the Secretary-general and judges of the International Court of Justice, and passes resolutions on issues ranging from self-determination and colonialism to women’’s rights and the global distribution of wealth.
The General Assembly can meet and vote on any subject, unless the Security Council is dealing with it (or at least pretending to). However, its decisions only carry moral force—unlike the Council’’s. They’’re not binding in international laws. But the Assembly votes are an important opini
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned [判断题]大分子烯烃的分解速度比小分子的快,异构烯烃的分解速度与正构烯烃相当。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交