M: This is a nice bar!
W: Yes, very nice indeed.
M: Where would you like to sit, Mary
W: I would like to sit by the piano so that I can watch the musician play.
M: Great. That’s just what I was thinking.
{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 57 to G1 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} For most people, fat is a burden. It doesn’t really matter where it appears, we just don’t want it. But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it. It’s called brown fat and health experts confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores of this tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight-loss treatment. Human newborns have been known to have any significant deposits of brown fat, so called because of its abnormally high concentration of dark---colored mitochondria (线粒体), the engines that sustain cell activity. The primary purpose of brown fat is to regulate body temperature: the mito A. A.All the people don’t like fat at all. B.All fat is a kind of tissue storing excess energy. C.Brown fat has a unique function that any other fat issue doesn’t have. D.Brown fat can provide a new way to lose weight. [单选题]按揭购房属于客户证券投资目标中的( )目标。
A.中期目标 B.临时目标 C.长久目标 D.短期目标 [填空题]在树形结构中,树根结点没有前驱结点,其余每个结点有且只有()个前驱结点;叶子结点没有()结点,其余每个结点的后续结点数可以()。
与上述论证最为相关的一个问题是( )。
A.药品推销商的贿赂行为以及医生收红包在看病贵中起多大作用 B.造成看病贵、看病难的最根本的原因究竟是什么 C.政府拨不足在导致医疗价格上涨中起多大作用 D.平价医院在抑制医疗价格方面起多大作用 [单项选择]刘颂重法主张的主要内容是()。
A. 恢复肉刑 B. “文约而例直,听省而禁简” C. 法令画一,执法必严 D. “刑九赏一” [多选题]下列属于职工集体福利支出的是( )
A.用于逢年过节和工会会员生日 B.工会会员结婚、生育 C.工会会员去世 D.工会会员离职 [单项选择]导游人员对旅游产品具有()。
A. 承上启下、连接内外、协调左右的作用 B. 核心和纽带的作用 C. 标志和主导的作用 D. 反馈和扩散的作用 [多选题]【多选题】以下哪可能是造 Fusioncompute虚拟机迁移失败的原因?
A.目标主机故障、被重启或已进入维护模式 B.源主机和目标主机CPU量不一致。 C.源主机和目标主机网络中断或网络不通 D.虚拟机与源主机绑定 我来回答: 提交