23.0A. 1.9 B. 2.5 C. 2.0 D. 2.2
[判断题] 择业和创业只要考虑个人的兴趣和意愿。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]柱上断路器与隔离开关配合使用进行停电操作时,应先拉隔离开关,再拉断路器开关。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]抗日战争时期的统一战线,其政治基础是共同抗日。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[判断题] 非机动车需停放到地下室存放处,楼道、宿舍内禁止停放。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]( )铁路建设工程的勘察、设计、施工、监理以及建设物资、设备的采购,应当依法进行招标。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]糖异生、酮体生成及尿素合成都可发生于 A.心 B.肾 C.脑 D.肝 E.肌肉
[单选题]当痛苦向你袭来的时候,()跳出来,换个角度看自己,勇敢地面对这()的人生,在忧伤的瘠土上寻找痛苦的成因、教训及战胜痛苦的方法,让灵魂在布满荆棘的心灵上作出()的抉择,去寻找人生的成熟。 A.需要、悲凉、勇敢 B.不妨、多舛、勇敢 C.亟需、坎坷、痛苦 D.不如、灿烂、坚毅
[单选题]多个单位在同一个区间施工时,原则上应分别按规定进行护,由负( )责划分各单位范围及分界。 A.工务段 B.施工主体单位 C.车站值班员 D.调度所
[单选题]利用自动增益控制电路实现放大器增益控制是为了使信号增大时,被控放大器的增益()。 A.增大 B.不变 C.减小 D.为零
[判断题]在停电作业的接触网附近有平行带电的电线路或接触网为了防止变电所误送电,除按规定装设接地线外,还要增设接地线。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[填空题] Beijing: The United States and North Korea had their first ________in four months here this afternoon as part of the ________negotiations on how to end North Korea’’s nuclear program, but diplomats played down prospects for________.
James A. Kelly, assistant________, and Kim Yong II, North Korea’’s deputy foreign minister, met ________of formal discussions, ________on direct dialogue that began after a stormy meeting ________in which North Korea warned that it was moving quickly to ________nuclear arms.
The Bush administration had insisted ________that it would only hold talks with North Korea ________because, it argued, only ________pressure would persuade North Korea to________. It got its way when North Korea dropped its insistence on ________and agreed, after extensive efforts by China, to hold unusual simultaneous negotiations with ________,________,________and ________as well as the United States.
Though Bush administration officials had not ________talking pri
[单项选择]根据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的规定,关于实心砖墙的墙高度,下列说法中错误的是( )。 A. 外墙:有屋架且室内外均有天棚者算至屋架下弦底另加200mm B. 外墙:无天棚者算至屋架下弦底另加300mm C. 内墙:位于屋架下弦者,算至屋架下弦底 D. 内墙:无屋架者算至天棚底另加200mm
[填空题]Most speakers are surprising to learn that people who 1._____ speak only one language form a minority of the world’s population that most people function in two or more languages. 2._____ While few people are truly balanced bilinguals or polyglots who feel equal comfortable with all languages, 3._____ the fact is that most of the world’s population functions in more than language. Given this, it’s somewhat surprising 4._____ that so much attention is paid to the English-speaking world to the matter of learning a additional language. If so many 5._____ people seem to do it so easily, then just what is the problem The simplest answer is that there really isn’t one. Giving ample opportunity and time, most people can learn as 6._____ many languages as they want or need to. But as teachers charged with the responsibility of adding English to the linguistic inventory of non-English-speaking children, we must be concer
[单选题]《银行业存款类金融机构非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查细则》济银办发〔2020〕74号中,对于信用卡账户等激活前状态为不收不付的账户,银行应在( )获取账户持有人的声明文件。 A.开户时 B.激活时 C.激活前 D.使用前
[单项选择]某企业2009年签订了如下经济合同和凭证:与银行签订一年期借款合同,借款金额400万元,年利率8.5%;与甲公司签订技术开发合同,合同总金额为200万元,其中研究开发费30万元;与某运输公司签订运输合同,运输费用6.5万元,其中保险费0.8万元,装卸费0.4万元;上年度实收资本300万元,本年度为280万元。该企业2009年应缴纳印花税( )元。 A. 726.50 B. 736250 C. 736.50 D. 792.50
[判断题]核对现车时,如发现某辆货车有两种不同的车号时,应以车体上的大号码为准。﹙﹚ A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]负责银电联网的业务人员应及时对银行返回的银电联网数据进行( )统计。 A.A.电量 B.B.收入 C.C.实收 D.D.未收
[单选题]江河堤坝汛期的临时用电(____)。 A.按城乡居民生活用电电价收费 B.按一般工商业及其他用电电价收费 C.按农业生产电价收费 D.不收电费
[判断题]使用消防软梯训练时,上端必须固定牢固,参训人员可以不采用安全绳进行保护。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]严禁甩开联锁条件,人为沟通道岔假表示。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]()互操作性是现场总线的优势之一。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]以下不属于道岔缺口监测系统组成的是( )。 A.摩擦连结器 B.采集分机 C.传感器 D.电源设备
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