患者,女,35岁,主诉“经期延长,经量增多1年半”入院。患者无明显诱因出现经期延长,由3天延至10天,经量较以往增加约1/3。妇科检查:宫颈光滑,子宫前位,增大如孕10周大小,质硬,活动差,双附件未触及异常。盆腔彩超:子宫体积增大,实质回声不均匀,宫体可见数个低回声肿物,最大为40mm×33mm,边界清,轮廓规则,位于后壁,双附件未见异常。 根据以上资料,请回答:
该患者的医疗诊断。 Most of us have seen a dog staring at,
sometimes snarling at, and approaching a reflection of itself. For most animals,
seeing their own image in a mirror acts as a social stimulus. But does the dog
recognize itself, or does the reflection simply signal a potential companion or
threat This question is interesting for a number of masons. Apart from
curiosity about the level of animals’ understanding, research on serf-
recognition in animals has several benefits. It provides some insight into the
evolutionary significance of this skill of serf-recognition and into the level
and kinds of cognitive competence that the skill requires. Such research also
indicates the kinds of learning experiences that determine the development of
self-recognition. In addition, work with animals fosters the use of techniques
that are not dependent on verbal re A. nearly all animals have some self-concept B. nearly all animals have no serf-concept C. nearly all animals have an awareness of the uses of mirrors D. nearly all animals have a fear of mirrors [单项选择]批处理操作系统中,下列哪一项是作业运行过程中反映作业的运行情况,并且是作业存在的惟一标志
A. 作业状态 B. 作业类型 C. 作业控制块 D. 作业优先级 [判断题]中国封建社会的政治制度是高度集权的独裁专制制度 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安装锯条时,锯齿朝前方,并应尽量使锯条拉紧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当施工现场处于市政消防在150m保护范围内,且市政消防栓的数量满足室外消防用水量要求时,可不设置临时室外消防给水系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]螺旋机构丝杆螺母副应有较高的配合精度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]泰隆贷记卡的还款方式分为哪两种()。
A. 免息最低还额还款 B. 免息还款期还款 C. 最低还款额还款 D. 全额还款额还款 [单项选择]
患者,男性,20岁。发热2周,体温38℃~39℃。查体:皮肤散在紫斑,颈部淋巴结及腋下可触及肿大,脾下界位于肋下3cm处。血常规:血红蛋白85g/L,白细胞10×109/L,血小板25×109/L。 此病人在发热、头痛、呕吐第二日做脑脊液检查,最可能的发现是()A. 脑脊液中性粒细胞增高 B. 细菌培养阳性 C. 脑脊液中发现结核杆菌 D. 脑脊液蛋白量显著增高、糖定量减低 E. 脑脊液中白血病细胞增加 [单选题]10kV电压互感器二次绕组三角处并接一个电阻的作用是()
A. 限制谐振过电压 B. 防止断开熔断器、烧坏电压互感器 C. 限制谐振过电压,防止断开熔断器、烧坏电压互感器 D. 平衡电压互感器二次负载 [单选题](单选题)化生和贮藏精气用于概括()的生理功能:
A. 六腑 B. 五脏 C. 奇恒之腑 D. 脑 E. 髓 [单项选择]营养型缺铁性贫血
A. RBC大小不等,小的为多,中央苍白区大 B. RBC较小呈球形 C. RBC大小不等,大的为多,中央苍白区不明显 D. RBC大小不等,可见异型、靶型和有核红细胞 E. RBC大小不等,大红细胞苍白区明显 [填空题][A] chopstick
[B] salt [C] plate [D] sugar [E] kitchen [F] ice [G] juice People put it into drinks to make it colder. [填空题] Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, fill in a suitable word in each blank on the ANSWER SHEET.