Until 1983, Tillson Lake had been a
lovely weekend and vacation place for many families. Then everything changed.
During the Fourth of July weekend, residents woke up one morning to find that
the lake had disappeared. Some people didn’t believe what they were seeing. They looked again, but to their amazement they found they had been right the first time. The lake was simply no longer there. In its place was a muddy crater hollow, 30 feet deep. It was as if the lake had been a giant bathtub and someone had pulled the plug. The lake’s owner, Joseph Unanue, did indeed pull the plug. That’s exactly what happened. The dam that held back the water to form the lake was falling apart, so government officials ordered him to repair it. They issued him a permit to lower the water level "five feet or more." He did much more. Mr. Unanue A. a bad-tempered man and his lake B. a famous lake that everyone liked C. a lake that needed repairing D. people who lived near a lake [不定项选择]女性,65岁,高血压病史20年,一天前活动后,突然出现头痛,头昏,呕吐,吐咖啡色液体,查体:血压195/130mmHg,深昏迷,双侧瞳孔缩小,四肢瘫痪,颈抵抗+。该卧床患者应定时翻身,时间为()
A. 日间1次/3小时,夜间1次/3小时 B. 日间1次/2小时,夜间1次/2小时 C. 日间1次/3小时,夜间1次/2小时 D. 日间1次/2小时,夜间1次/3小时 E. 交替采取仰卧位、左右侧卧位 [单选题]施工作业时,安全带的正确使用方法是( )。
A.水平栓挂 B.低挂高用 C.高挂低用 D.无规定 [多选题]上市公司向不特定对象公开募集股份的,除金融类企业外,最近一期期末不存在的情形包括( )。
A.持有金额较大的交易性金融资产 B.持有可供出售的金融资产 C.借予他人款项 D.委托理财 [单选题]压线滑车应设控制绳,压线钢丝绳回松应( )。
A.A-加速 B.B-快速 C.C-缓慢 D.D-匀速 E.略 F.略 G.略 [多选题]62.( )造成的触电称为两相触电。
A.A.在高压系统中,人体同时过分靠近两相带电导体而发生电弧放电,则电流将从一相导体通过人体流入另一相导体 B.B.人体同时接触电力线路中两相带电导体 C.C.人体同时接触电气设备两相带电导体 D.D.人体二处碰及电气设备带电的金属外壳 E.NULL F.NULL [单选题]关于妊娠后变化的描述不正确的是
A.乳房增大 B.输卵管变短 C.输卵管系膜血管增多 D.外阴有色素沉着 E.蒙氏结节 [单选题]工艺管道中,输送气体介质的管道一般都采用( )进行吹扫。
A.水 B.洗涤剂 C.氮气 D.空气 [单选题]Stuffed Lotus Root Stewed with sticky rice翻译成中文是:
A.莲藕酿糯米 B.黑米糕 C.龟苓膏 D.焖莲藕 [单项选择]横向承力索和上、下部固定绳调整完毕后,杵头杆在螺帽处()
A. 不允许有露头 B. 外露0~20mm C. 外露20~100mm D. 外露100~200mm [单项选择]
A. either B. as C. both D. between [单项选择]高压油形状的油主要起()作用。
A. 灭弧和绝缘 B. 绝缘和防锈 C. 绝缘和散热 [填空题]ATS向PA发送的信息中, 信息为广播触发信息。
A. 非洲 B. 欧洲 C. 大洋洲 D. 亚洲 E. 美洲 [单项选择]男,65岁。活动中突感头痛、右侧肢体不能活动1天。高血压病史10年。查体发现左侧中枢性面舌瘫,左侧肢体完全瘫痪,左侧身感觉减退,左侧偏盲。该患者最可能的诊断是()
A. 脑室出血 B. 脑叶出血 C. 脑桥出血 D. 小脑出血 E. 基底节出血 [单项选择]地铁1号线信号系统提供CBTC、点式ATP和()三个控制等级。
A. 联锁 B. 闭塞 C. 人工 D. 自动 [简答题]手机用户怎样可以查询到密码?
[单项选择]The Supreme Court’’ s decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.
Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of "double effect," a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects―a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen―is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.
Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally iii patients’’ pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.
Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who" until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient medication to control their pain if that might hasten death."
George Annas,
A. Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients’’ death. B. Modern medicine has assisted terminally iii patients in painless recovery. C. The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed. D. A doctor’’s medication is no longer justified by his intentions. [单项选择]在为student_db数据库的St_Info表录入数据时,常常需要一遍又一遍地输入“男”到学生“性别”列,以下()方法可以解决这个问题。
A. 创建一个DEFAULT约束(或默认值) B. 创建一个CHECK约束 C. 创建一个UNIQUE约束(或唯一值) D. 创建一个PRIMARYKEY约束(或主键) [单项选择]与客户沟通的基本技能是______。
A. 讲究交往礼仪 B. 经常发送电子邮件 C. 经常发放调查问卷 D. 经常互相问候 [单选题]虚假失实新闻是对社会公众 的损害。( )
A.名誉权 B.知情权 C.隐私权 D.肖像权 [单项选择]链状带绦虫对人体的感染阶段()
A. 丝状蚴 B. 尾蚴 C. 囊尾蚴 D. 囊蚴 E. 微丝蚴 [单选题]下列选项中最有可能导致个人信息被非法使用的是( )。
A.注册学籍时向学校提供身份证号码等个人信息 B.手机订票后,用身份证在车站取票机上自助取票 C.住宿时,服务员用公安部门提供的系统进行实名登记 D.参与某保健品公司用身份证复印件换领礼品的活动 [单项选择]
The universities have trained the intellectual pioneers of our civilization—the priests, the lawyers, the statesmen, the doctors, the men of science, and the men of letters. The conduct of business now requires intellectual imagination of the same type as that which in former times has mainly passed into those other occupations. [填空题]珠光体球化使钢材的室温()和()下降,也使钢材的()和()下降。
A. 成品发放室与原料贮藏室 B. 一般区和洁净区 C. 配制分装和贴签包装 D. 内服制剂与外用制剂 E. 无菌制剂与其他制剂 [单项选择]结核菌传播的主要途径是()
A. 消化道 B. 泌尿道 C. 血行传播 D. 呼吸道 E. 皮肤接触传播 [多项选择]患者女,63岁,因“寒战、高热,咳脓痰2d”来诊。查体:T39.2℃,左肺闻及湿性啰音。胸部X线片:左肺下叶大片状致密影。给予抗生素治疗,2d后症状加重,胸痛并呼吸困难,左胸呼吸音降低,胸部X线片:左侧胸腔积液。该患者可能的诊断有()
A. 重症肺炎 B. 肺炎合并肺脓肿 C. 肺炎合并急性脓胸 D. 肺炎合并反应性胸腔积液 E. 结核性渗出性胸腔积液 [单选题]管路中油品流速越快,产生静电荷( )。
A.A. 越多 B.B. 越少 C.C. 一样 D.D. 不确定 [单选题]消防员呼救器后场接收装置的通信距离为( )m。
A.100 B.200 C.400 D.800 我来回答: 提交