Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the Celts --the (36) of parts of France and the British Isles-- (37) a festival at the beginning of every winter for the Lord of the Dead. The Celts believed that this god (38) the world in Winter (39) he called together the ghosts of dead people. On October (31) , people believed these (40) of the dead came back to earth in the (41) of animals. They thought that very bad. ghosts came back (42) black cats. (43) their festival on this day, the Celts (44) to make big fires to frighten the ghosts and chase them (45) . This celebration was the (46) of the holiday of Halloween.
The Romans, who ruled the British Isles (47) , also held a (48) at the beginning of winter. Because this was harvest time, the Romans (49) apples and nuts for the Goddess of the garden. (50) the Christians added their
A. day
B. beginning
C. cause
D. origin
Scientists are learning more about our
need for sleep. Most people sleep{{U}} (26) {{/U}}eight hours each
night.{{U}} (27) {{/U}}people sleep more than{{U}} (28)
{{/U}}and others sleep as{{U}} (29) {{/U}}as two or three hours each
night. Scientists do not know exactly{{U}} (30) {{/U}}some people sleep
more than others. Dr. Ernest Hartman has a (an){{U}} (31) {{/U}}about
this. He believes that the{{U}} (32) {{/U}}of sleep depends on how a
person{{U}} (33) {{/U}}problems. He said people who need only a few{{U}}
(34) {{/U}}sleep usually are people who have much energy and make good
use of{{U}} (35) {{/U}}to get their work to be done quickly.{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}he said many people who sleep longer than normal do
creative work and seem to need{{U}} (37) {{/U}}dreaming time to find
solution{{U}} (38) {{/U}}emotional problems. Som A. those B. that C. the hour D. the time [单选题]一般评价烷基键合相色谱柱时所用的流动相为()
A.A.甲醇-水(83/17) B.B.甲醇-水(57/43) C.C.正庚烷-异丙醇(93/7) D.D.水-乙腈(98.5/1.5) [单项选择]以咽部发痒和烧灼感为主,疼痛不明显的是
A. 急性病毒性喉炎 B. 急性病毒性咽炎 C. 上呼吸道感染 D. 细菌性咽扁桃体炎 E. 疱疹性咽峡炎 [简答题] 2009年3月17日,某供电局220kV某变电站35kV电容器开关及电容器由运行转检修,进行预防性试验和3613刀闸检修。完成工作许可后,9时30分,工作负责人变更为何×。11时试验工作结束。
11时20分左右,开关一班刘××、丁×、张×、穆××完成其他站的工作后,会同到该变电站参加检修。工作负责人何×在35kV开关柜检修现场向4位开关一班工作人员交待工作任务、工作范围、安全措施及带电部位等,4位工作人员现场确认并在工作票上签名。小组负责人丁×进行工作分工后,开始361开关检修保养工作。工作分工是:刘××外观检查手车轨道,穆××和张×清扫检修手车开关。 11时24分,其它检修人员正在检查手车开关,小组负责人 监护人)也在注视开关检查的工作。突然,听到绝缘隔板活门发出开合动作的声音,同时,一团弧光、烟雾喷出开关柜,发现柜内检查手车开关轨道的刘××倒坐在地,穿着的非棉质衣服在电弧的作用下燃烧并发生粘连,送医院抢救无效死亡。试分析该起事故中的违章行为。 [判断题]《安全生产法》规定的行政处罚,由应急管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门按照职责分工决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]使用半衰期大于 60 天的放射性同位素且场所等级达到甲级的单位,辐射安全关键岗 位两个,分别为( ),每岗最少在岗人数 1 名。
A.辐射防护负责人 B.辐射环境监测与评价专职人员 C.辐射防护专职人员 D.辐射环境监测与评价负责人员 E.辐射安全负责人 [填空题]三原色是指()、()、()。
[单选题]涉及设备异动,配网调控值班员还应对照异动单与现场核对异动执行情况及异动设备状态,确认无误并发布异动调度接线图后,方可下达送电操作指令,严格做到( )。
A. A.先送电后异动 B.B.先异动后送电 C.C.异动和送电同步进行 D.D.异动不影响送电 [单项选择]小张以自己的房屋为抵押物向农村信用社贷款,后来该抵押物经过法定程序确认为违章建筑物,问该抵押是否有效()。
A. 有效 B. 无效 C. 不一定无效 D. 情况不清,不能确定 我来回答: 提交