Courtesy also includes proper behavior
on the street. Proper street behavior requires a nice {{U}} 62 {{/U}} of
attention and inattention. You are supposed to look at a {{U}} 63 {{/U}}
just enough to show that you’re {{U}} 64 {{/U}} of his presence. If you
look too little, you appear haughty or furtive, too much and you’re {{U}} 65
{{/U}} Usually what happens is that people eye each other {{U}} 66
{{/U}} they are about eight feet apart, at which point both cast {{U}} 67
{{/U}} their eyes. Sociologist Goffman {{U}} 68 {{/U}} this as "a
kind of dimming of lights." Much of eye behavior is so subtle that we react to it only on the {{U}} 69 {{/U}} level. The next time you have a conversation with someone who makes you feel liked, notice what he does with his eyes. {{U}} 70 {{/U}} are he looks at you more often than is usual with glance A. applicants B. objects C. subjects D. psychologists [判断题]发生了燃烧就发生了火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] (判断题)治疗药物监测主要适用于安全范围大、毒性小、易鉴别的药物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下述各种照明灯,( )的效率最高。
A.白炽灯 B.荧光灯 C.高压汞灯 D.钠灯 [判断题]治安案件经公安机关调解,当事人未达成协议或者达成协议后不履行的,公安机关应当继续调解。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工作中正确的习惯或做法是()。
A. 需移动电气设备时,先移动到位再关电源 B. 用湿布去除电气设备上的灰尘 C. 三相插头去除一相接两相插头 D. 尽可能装设漏电保护装置 [单项选择]含无机盐较多的植物类中药材,灰分测定时需要测定()
A. 总灰分 B. 生理性灰分 C. 酸不溶性灰分 D. 炽灼残渣 E. 灰屑含量 [填空题]一般肾静态显像检查时,以_____为合适体位,马蹄肾显像检查时,以_____为最佳体位。
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