Wood carving refers to the art of
creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool.
This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style.
The following is some introduction about wood carving in America. Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool. However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong A. durable B. inexpensive C. available D. attractive [判断题]
爱岗敬业是推动人类社会进步的重要精神财富,是职业道德的基础和核心。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用户变、配电站的工作许可人应是具有一定经验的高压电气工作人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]置于工作和射源之间的滤板可以减少从工件边缘进入的散射线,其原因是滤板()
A. 吸收一次射线束中波长较长的成分; B. 吸收一次射线束中波长较短的成分; C. 吸收背散射线; D. 降低一次射线束的强度。 [单项选择]在农用地分等定级单元划分方法中,( )适用于土地利用现状类型多、地貌类型比较复杂的地区。
A. 叠置法 B. 地块法 C. 网格法 D. 多边形法 [单选题]单选题" 企业境外债券,是指境内企业及其控制的境外企业或分支机构向境外举借的,以——计价,按约定还本付息的债务工具,包括但不限于境外人民币债券,美元债券,欧元债券。
A.本币或外币 B.仅以本币 C.仅以外币 D.仅以美元 " [单选题]以下( )情况可能表明动销与价格是悖离的。
A.社会库存水平偏高、市场价格处于高位 B.社会库存水平偏低、市场价格处于高位 C.动销水平偏低、市场价格偏低 D.社会库存水平偏高、市场价格处于低位 [判断题]六氟化硫断路器涂密封脂时,应将整个全部对接面涂满,防止密封不良。
A. CaO B. SiO2 C. FeO D. MgO [单选题]需在站(场)内过轨运送机工具及材料的,必须与()联系并得到同意,按规定办理手续,并按规定设置防护。
A.车站 B.调度 C.作业负责人 D.驻站联络员 [单项选择]按要求,应急舱底水吸口管系应与()直接连通。
A. 排量最大的一台海水泵 B. 排量最小的一台海水泵 C. 排量最小的一台舱底水泵 D. 排量最大的一台消防泵 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Paper or plastic?
Take a walk along the Chesapeake Bay,and you are likely to see plastic bags floating in the water. Ever since these now ubiquitous symbols of American super-consumption showed up in the supermarkets,plastic shopping bags have made their______(51)into local waterways,and from there,into the bay,where they can______(52)wildlife. Piles of them一the______(53)takes centuries to decompose一show up in landfills and on city streets.Plastic bags also take an environmental toll in the form of millions of barrels of oil expended every year to produce them. Enter Annapolis______(54)you will see plastic bags distributed free in department stores and supermarkets.Alderman Sam Shropshire has introduced a well-meaning proposal to ban retailers ______(55) distributing plastic shopping bags in Maryland's capital. Instead,retailers would be required to offer bags______(56)recycled paper and to sell reusable bags.The city of Baltimore is considering a similar measure.Opponents of the idea,however,argue that______(57)bags are harmful,too:they cost more to make,they consume more______(58)to transport,and recycling them causes more pollution than recycling plastic.The argument for depriving Annapolis residents of their plastic bags is.______(59)accepted.Everyone in this______(60)is right about one thing:disposable shopping bags of any type are______(61),and the best outcome would be for customers to reuse bags instead.Annapolis's mayor is investigating how to hand out free,reusable shopping bags to city residents,a proposal that can proceed regardless of whether other bags are banned.A less-expensive______(62)would be to encourage retailers to give discounts to customers______(63)bring their own,reusable bags,a policy that a spokesman for the supermarket Giant Food says its chain already has in place.And this policy would be more______(64)if stores imitated furniture mega-retailer Ikea and charged for disposable bags at the checkout counter. A broad ban on the use of plastic shopping bags,which would merely replace some forms of pollution with others,is not the______(65). _________(54) A.or B.and C.but D.so [单选题]( )在高层民用建筑外窗设置影响逃生和灭火救援的障碍物
A.禁止 B.不得 C.不应 D.不许 [判断题]里程600公里的客票有效期为两日。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.26 已注册登记的机动车有________,机动车所有人应当向登记地车辆管理所申请变更登记。
A.小型.微型载客汽车加装前后防撞装置 B.货运机动车加装防风罩.水箱.工具箱.备胎架等 C.因质量问题更换整车的 D.增加机动车车内装饰 [单项选择]临终关怀的道德要求中,下列适度治疗的原则哪一项是正确的()。
A. 解除痛苦、无痛苦地死去 B. 完全放弃治疗 C. 以延长生命过程的治疗为主 D. 以治疗疾病为主 E. 加速患者死亡 [单项选择]单纯性肠梗阻发生后,肠腔内的气体大部分来源于( )。
A. 血液弥散至肠腔内 B. 肠道内容物经细菌分解产生 C. 肠道内容物发酵产生 D. 咽下的空气 E. 肠道感染产生 [简答题]微生物为什么能在瘤胃内生存?
[单选题]铁路局应不断优化劳动生产组织,合理设置动车组检修班制和( )方式。
A.运用 B.乘务 C.维修 D.管理 [单项选择]女性,56岁,肝硬化伴大量腹水,应首选的利尿剂为()
A. 呋塞米 B. 氢氯噻嗪 C. 利尿酸钠 D. 螺内酯 E. 甘露醇 [单选题]个人计算机属于( )。
A.微型计算机 B.中型计算机 C.小巨型计算机 D.小型计算机 我来回答: 提交