You have studied hard, and the day has (21) come when you must write your exam. Try to arrive a few minutes before the (22) starts. Avoid talking to other students, especially those (23) are doing some last minute cramming. These people will make you nervous and (24) your concentration.
If you can, choose a seat that allows you to (25) . Try to sit away, from the (26) to the room so you are not (27) by students leaving before you are finished. Listen (28) to any verbal instructions from the teacher or any (29) written on the board.
Here are five (30) for taking exams:
1. Catch your (31) ;
2. Read the (32) very carefully;
3. (33) through the test;
4. (34) your time;
5. Attack the (35) .
The Changjiang River is not the longest, the widest, or the most powerful river in the world. But in one sense it is the most important river, because it serves more people than any other river. In every way the Changjiang River is China’s life stream. The Changjiang River isn’t just a trade river, a high way along which goods are picked up and sent. It is an agricultural river as well. A lot of irrigation(灌溉)ditches(渠)go out from it to millions of tiny garden-size farms. There men and women work endlessly with very old hand tools-planting, watering, fertilizing, weeding, harvesting, raising the family’s food and raising the nation’s food. It begins somewhere high in the place north of Tibet, running down from a three-mile height. It goes for hundreds of miles, shouting loud through valleys. On A. flows through wide plains B. rushes down from high places C. is mild and peaceful D. is more valuable to China than the lower part [判断题]GK1C型机车液力传动箱充量调节阀卡死,进行液力制动时会使传动箱油温升高。
A.安全、服务 B.高效、快捷 C.利益、名誉 D.创新、形象 [单项选择]下列关于无机营养对果实生长的影响,下列叙述不正确的是()
A. 在果肉细胞增大初期,缺磷影响其增长 B. 果实干重的增加和K含量的增加是平行上升的 C. Ca与果实细胞膜结构的稳定和提高呼吸强度有关 D. 缺硼时,果小出现木栓病 [多选题]在巡视检查中发现( )等时,检查人员应当立即通知塔台管制员和机场运行管理部门,作好记录,并将该物体交有关部门。
A.航空器零件 B.轮胎碎片 C.灯具碎片 D.动物尸体 [判断题]进入砖木结构等低耐火等级建筑前要先用直流水对屋檐进行扫射。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]80km/h<υmax ≤120km/h正线混凝土枕地段,当限速80km/h时,水平静态几何不平顺容许偏差管理值为()mm。
A.12 B.14 C.15 D.17 [单选题]进行工程设计和审核设计的主要依据是( )。
A.设计纲要 B.设计方案 C.施工方案 D.项目建议书 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产管理规定》(Q/CSG2091003-2021)第八条规定:各单位应当健全完善对安全生产责任制落实情况的监督考核机制,通过( )等问题查找机制,查找各级人员失职失责情况。
A. 巡查检查督查 B. 事故事件调查 C. 体系审核 D. 专业评价 [单选题]在纯电感电路中无功功率用来反映电路中_______。
A.纯电感不消耗电能的情况 B.消耗功率的多少 C.能量交换的规模 D.无用功的多少 [单项选择]聚酰胺柱色谱分离下列黄酮类化合物,以甲醇-水系统洗脱,最后洗脱的是()
A. 黄酮 B. 异黄酮 C. 黄酮醇 D. 二氢黄酮醇 [单项选择]再生器大环注风FIC107量控制在()Nm3/min。
A. 80—120 B. 120—200 C. 200—270 [单项选择]王某应聘到某施工单位,双方于4月15日签订为期三年的劳动合同,其中约定试用期3个月,次日合同开始履行。7月18日,王某拟解除劳动合同,则( )
A. 必须取得用人单位同意 B. 口头通知用人单位即可 C. 应提前30日以书面形式通知用人单位 D. 应报请劳动行政主管部门同意后以书面形式通知用人单位 [单选题]地质灾害现场救援预防造成二次伤害错误的是?
A.靠近山体行进 B.设置观察哨 C.明确撤退路线 D.消除不稳定体 我来回答: 提交