以下是一位实习教师的教学日记,请根据材料回答问题: 小黎是初二的女生,父母双双外出打工。她的个性很特殊,她与同学关系不太融洽,甚至有点紧张。开学初曾与一男生打架,对班主任的批评教育反映强烈,存在明显抵触情绪。有次自习,她戴耳机听音乐,被班干部值日提醒并记下名字,她当众撕掉记录本,并辱骂班干部。同学们基本上对她敬而远之,避免与她发生正面冲突。表面上她与同学相安无事,实际上特别渴望别人对她的认同和欣赏。可是她又把自己封闭起来,不能真诚的与人交流,时时以自我为中心,所以在班级里,她没有真正要好的朋友。在学习上,她几乎丧失了兴趣,老师上课时,她表现出爱理不理的样子,有时候连课本都不愿意打开;甚至有时候自顾自地写东西。做小动作等等的方式逃避现实,但她读的大多是离奇鬼怪的故事书。她在日记中写到:"课根本就听不进去,整天在混日子,学校像座监狱把人关在里面,而我需要自由……" 小黎的表现跟她的生活环境和成长经历有关。我在实习期间尝试努力去改变她,但收效甚微。面对小黎,我感到力不从心……
问题2、根据小黎的特点,对她进行思想品德教育时应遵循哪些德育原则?(2分) The people who lives in the far North
are called Eskimos(爱斯基摩托车人). In the world of ice and snow it is (21)
to grow plants for food. The Eskimos must hunt and fish during the
whole year to (22) themselves and their families with
food. In winter, they hunt the seal(海豹) (23) the polar(极地的) bear. When they hunt the seal, they (24) a hole in the ice and try to (25) the seal when it comes up to breathe. In summer, the Eskimos hunt (26) animals, and they also hunt birds and catch fish. (27) that is useful is saved. The Eskimos use the meat from animals for food. They melt(融化) the fat from their bodies and use the (28) as fuel(燃料). They make tools out of animals bones. The skin and furs of animals are used for making clothing. If A. not B. no C. none D. little [单项选择]磁盘服务器是基于盘体共享技术,并向网络提供共享的磁盘资源,它的效率由多种因素来决定,其中 (52) 是主要因素之一。
文件服务器是建立在磁盘服务器基础上,但与磁盘服务器有着本质区别。用户对磁盘服务器的读写是按 (53) 来读写,与 (54) 无关。而文件服务器可以根据 (55) 来确定从磁盘读出的信息量。 A. 用户应用程序 B. 用户机上的操作系统 C. 网络操作系统 D. 网上数据传输速率 [单选题]患者男,57岁,排尿困难3个月,B超检查可见前列腺增大,血清总PSA为20ng/ml,为明确诊断,最可靠的检查方法是
A.前列腺CT B.前列腺MRI C.经直肠腔内超声 D.前列腺穿刺活检 E.直肠指诊 [单选题]公司及所属单位负责对涉及“四条红线”、高危作业实施()管理,为高危作业区域提供安全生产条件,保障高危作业区域职责清楚,责任落实
A.安全生产挂牌制 B.安全告知 C.现场 D.承包牌 [多选题]来自动植物疫区的船舶、飞机、火车抵达口岸时,发现有《进出境动植物检疫法》规定的一类、二类动物传染病、寄生虫病;植物危险性病、虫、杂草的,口岸海关应当实施_____处理。
A.不准带离运输工具 B.除害 C.退货 D.销毁 [单选题]凝汽器内真空升高,汽轮机排汽压力( )。
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 D.不能判断 [简答题]《道岔计划维修作业验收评分标准》规定,轨枕的枕上或枕下离缝大于( )者为吊板。【《普速铁路线路修理规则》第6.4.7条】
[多选题]多功能担架可以用于( )等。
A.深井救护 B.山岳救护 C.狭窄空间救助 D.地面一般救援 E.化学事故现场救护 [填空题]Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies 【B1】 low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 【B2】 and active. When the work is well done, a 【B3】 of accident-free operations is established 【B4】 time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.
Successful safety programs may 【B5】 greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by 【B6】 rules or regulations. 【B7】 others depend oh an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.
There can be no question about the value of a safety program; From a financial stand-point alone, safety 【B8】 . The fewer the injury 【B9】 , the better the workman’’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at 【B10】 or at a loss.
A. A.comes off B.turns up C.pays off D.holds up [多项选择]慢性肝病肝细胞受损时,下列哪些指标常升高()
A. ALT B. AST C. 血清白蛋白 D. LDH E. γ-GT [判断题]检修联络用的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸),应在其来电侧验电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小行信号楼调度使用的调度命令号码为()。
A. 101-200 B. 201-299 C. 301-349 D. 401-499 我来回答: 提交