Foreign propagandists have a strange
misconception of our national character. They believe that we Americans must be
hybrid, mongrel, undynamic; and we are called so by the enemies of democracy
because, they say, so many races have been fused together in our national life.
They believe we are disunited and defenseless because we argue with each other,
because we engage in political campaigns, because we recognize the sacred right
of the minority to disagree with the majority and to express that disagreement
even loudly. It is the very mingling of races, dedicated to common ideals, which
creates and recreates our vitality. In every representative American meeting
there will be people with names like Jackson and Lincoln and Isaacs and Sehultz
and Kovack and Sartori and Jones and Smith. These Americans with varied
backgrounds are all immigrants or the descendan A. are enemies of democracy B. lack a common heritage C. have a unified national character D. refuse to argue with each other [判断题]按照通过人体电流的大小,人体反应状态的不同,可将电流划分为感知电流、摆脱电流和室颤电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]立即进行手术治疗的颅脑损伤是
A.脑挫裂伤 B.颅内血肿 C.脑震荡 D.头皮血肿 E颅底骨折 [单选题]下列装备不属于驱逐性、制服性警械的是( )。
A.警棍 B.手铐 C.催泪弹 D. 特种防暴枪 [单项选择]畜禽产品中如果残留抗生素,人食用后易出()。
A. 肝损伤 B. 肾损伤 C. 过敏 D. 脑损伤 [多项选择]关于肝癌检查的叙述,正确的是()。
A. 超声显像检查可显示1cm以上的肿瘤 B. CT检查结合肝动脉造影是诊断小肝癌的最佳方法 C. 在肝癌诊断方面磁共振显像优于CT D. 甲胎蛋白是肝癌早期诊断的重要方法 E. CT查可显示直径2cm以上的肿瘤 [单选题]智能柜应对柜内温度、湿度具有调节和控制能力,通过调节,柜内最低温度应保持在(____)摄氏度以上,柜内最高温度不超过柜外环境最高温度。
A.一45 B.一30 C.0 D.5 [单项选择]简历求职的最初阶段,一份成功的简历不但能够获得面试的机会,还能够给招聘方留下好的印象,有利于求职者的求职。一个成功的求职者做简历前必须明确的三点内容是()。(1)薪资及福利待遇(2)求职的目标(3)自己的优势(4)企业的性质:国企、民营、外企、合资…(5)招聘方的需求(6)企业的规模
A. (1)(3)(5) B. (2)(3)(5) C. (2)(3)(4) D. (1)(2)(5) [名词解释]绝对年代的确定确定绝对年代有两个途径
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