A number of researchers have examined
the variables/strategies that affect students’ learning English as a second
language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/ strategies used
by two students in a Hong Kong Technical Institute. The instruments for data
collection included observation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are
discussed and some implications highlighted. What makes a "good" language learner "good", and what makes a "poor" language learner "poor" What does this imply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kong context These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing body of research attributes the differences between language learners to learner variables and learner strategies. Learner variables include such things as differences in personality, motivation, style, aptitud A. empirically observable B. often impossible to observe directly C. poorly defined in the research literature to date D. easier to theorize about than to carry out directly [单选题]《山东省安全生产条例》规定,从业人员在( )以上的其他生产经营单位,应当按照规定设置安全总监,并建立安全生产委员会。
A.一百人 B.三百人 C.五百人 D.一千人 [单选题]银行产品已滞销并趋于淘汰的时期是( )。
A.介绍期 B.成长期 C.成熟期 D.衰退期 [单选题]我国股票投资基金行业从( )年开始进入快速发展阶段。
A.2004 B.2005 C.2012 D.2013 [单项选择]
A家具生产企业木加工车间内有油漆木制件的砂、抛、磨加工等工序,车间内有有机溶剂和废弃的油漆桶等。车间的除尘净化系统采用反吹布袋除尘器。因新增了设备并扩大了生产规模,致使车间内粉尘浓度超标。为了治理车间内粉尘污染,将布袋除尘器由原有的4套增加到8套,车间内木粉尘浓度经处理后小于10mg/m3。 A. A类火灾 B. B类火灾 C. C类火灾 D. D类火灾 E. E类火灾 [单项选择]人乳头瘤病毒的英文缩写为:
A. HIV B. I-IPV C. HSV D. VIN E. I-IBV [单项选择]腰椎穿刺的适应证不包括
A. 协助诊断出血性脑血管疾病 B. 协助诊断梗死性脑血管疾病 C. 检查椎管有无阻塞现象 D. 向鞘内注射药物,治疗中枢神经系统感染 E. 协助诊断脊髓内外有无占位性病变 [判断题]断轨后进行紧急处理,一时无法修复,应在轨端钻孔,上好夹板或臌包夹板,拧紧接头螺栓,可适当提高行车速度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]邪气极盛,迅速入里,可见()
A. 舌苔由薄转厚 B. 舌苔突然消失 C. 舌苔出现剥落 D. 舌苔突然增厚 E. 舌苔由润转燥 [单选题][T]B-D-C-001323
闭路电视监控系统显示部分信噪比指标为()。 A.不小于40dB B.不大于40dB C.不小于45dB D.不大于45dB [单选题]《环境保护法》规定.企业事业单位和其他生产经营者.为改善环境.依照有关规定.转产.搬迁、关闭的.人民政府应当( )
A.予以补足 B.予以帮助 C.予以支持 D.予以关注 我来回答: 提交