Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful (1) , instead of the usual school uniform.
Most of us think the dance is great (2) even the teachers enjoy being there. (3) , two weeks ago someone said that there would be no (4) band this year— only CDs. "I don’t (5) it!" Amy cried out during the lunch break.
"Someone said the school couldn’t (6) a band, and they think it’s too noisy anyway, "added Daniel.
"Well, I don’t think it’s (7) enough without a band!" declared Angela, "and I’m going to see what can be done. "
Angela was as good as her (8) . In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the (9) some more tho
A. look
B. behavior
C. mind
D. word
By almost every measure, Paul Pfingst
is an unsentimental prosecutor. Last week the San Diego County district attorney
said he fully intends to try (1) Charles Andrew Williams,
15, as an adult (2) the Santana High School shootings.
Even before the (3) Pfingst had stood behind the
controversial California law that (4) treating murder
suspects as young as 14 as adults. So nobody would have wagered that Pfingst would also be the first D. A. ( district attorney) in the U. S. to (5) his very own Innocence Project. Yet last June, Pfingst told his attorneys to go back over old murder and rape (6) and see ff any unravel with newly developed DNA-testing tools. In other wor A. for B. on C. with D. at [单选题]各尽所能,按需分配是 ( )
A. 原始社会的分配方式 B. 阶级社会的分配方式 C. 社会主义社会的分配方式 D. 共产主义社会的分配方式 [多选题]下列关于罪名认定正确的是( )。
A.甲在一洗浴中心与明知不满14周岁的卖淫幼女发生性关系,构成强奸罪 B.乙使用暴力强迫单位职工以外的其他人员在采石场劳动,构成强迫劳动罪 C.丙雇用16周岁未成年人从事高空、井下作业的,构成雇用童工从事危重劳动罪 D.丁采用了爆炸的方法决堤制造水患,危害了公共安全,应认定为爆炸罪 [单选题]动车组冷链盒饭可以加热()次
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.重复加热 [多选题]二类高层建筑的()部位应设火灾自动报警系统。
A.电子计算机的主机房、控制室、纸库、磁带库 B.面积大于50平方米的可燃物品库房 C.面积大于500平方米的营业厅 D.经常有人停留或可燃物较多的地下室 E.性质重要或有贵重物品的房间 [单选题]国家监察委员会主任的产生方式是( )。
A.全国人大任免 B.全国人大常委会任免 C.全国人大选举 D.全国人大常委会选举 [单选题]施工测量的目的是把设计的建(构)筑物的( ),按设计要求以一定的精度测设在地面上,作为施工的依据。
A.角度 B.平面位置 C.朝向 D.距离 [单选题]电流互感器正常工作时二次侧回路可以( ) ( )
A. 开路 B. 短路 C.装熔断器 D. 接无穷大电阻 [单项选择]关于病毒性脑炎错误的说法是()
A. 脑脊液检查正常不能排除病毒性脑炎的诊断 B. 脑实质损害比较重 C. 脑电图常有变化 D. 易发生硬脑膜下积液 E. 病毒侵入途径最多的为上呼吸道 我来回答: 提交