In the 1880’s, Engineer Herman
Hollerith was given a job by the American government to make an official count
of the country’s total population, which is now called census. Mr. Hollerith
worked hard to search for a way to record the census information of America, and
found it on a train, where he saw a conductor using some tool to make holes in
tickets. The position of each hole told something about the ticket holder (持有人)
, such as hair or eye color. If the "passenger’ turned out to be a train robber,
this record would help the pollce catch the criminal. What he saw on the train
greatly inspired him to invent a machine which could calculate like an abacus.
Hollerith designed punched (打过孔的) cards for an electric computering machine, for
each hole gave the answer to a question, and the machine c A. Hollerith got an idea for an invention B. train conductors were in charge of recording cencus information C. Hollerith was hired by a government office D. train robbers were caught by the police [判断题]工作票应由工作负责人审核,手工或电子签发后方可执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
4WG65--Ⅱ液力机械变速箱一般都具有( ),涡轮因负荷增大而转速下降时,转速比也随之下降而使柴油机的负荷增大,因此要求多台机械连挂运行时,各车换档要同步进行。 A.不可透性 B.正透性 C.负透性 D.可逆性 [判断题]线路设备大修是为全面恢复和提高线路设备固有可靠度而对线路进行的大规模修理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]持探亲乘车证在列车上连续乘车31小时可( )。
A.免费使用卧铺 B.使用卧铺时,核收卧铺票价 C.使用卧铺时,核收卧铺票价,有空调时,还应核收空调票价 D.使用卧铺时,核收卧铺票价,回后到单位报销。 [多项选择]金属网阻火器的缺点:()、不耐烧。
A. 阻爆范围小 B. 造价较高 C. 易损坏 D. 容易堵塞 [多选题]上肢重要的骨性标志有( )。
A.肩峰 B.喙突 C.盂下结节 D.小结节 E.鹰嘴 [单项选择]某制药企业2008年取得销售收入2 000万元,当年的广告费支出为600万元,则按照有关规定,该企业2008年在计算企业所得税时,对广告费支出进行的处理方法是( )。
A. 只允许抵扣300万元,剩余的可以向以后纳税年度无限期结转 B. 只允许抵扣300万元,剩余的可以向以后纳税年度结转,但最长不得超过5年 C. 只允许抵扣500万元,剩余的可以向以后纳税年度无限期结转 D. 只允许抵扣500 77元,剩余的可以向以后纳税年度结转,但最长不得超过5年 [填空题]数据结构分为线性结构和非线性结构,带链的队列属于 __________
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