One of Microsoft’s cool people, is
Patrick Blackburn. As a test manager for the Product Group, Blackburn’s job may
sound routine; however, he says it’s anything but that. "Most people ,think of software testing as a mundane task of punching the keyboard like a monkey, trying to break the program," Blackburn says. "Part of that is true, but we write software programs called Monkeys to do that for us so that we don’t have to hire real monkeys. Real monkeys are too difficult to manage and don’t usually pass the personal hygiene criteria !" In reality, Blackburn says, testing responsibilities are very technically challenging and often include complete development cycles of their own. He spends most of his time coming up with creative incentives to convince his team to believe in schedules for products that don’t yet exist, hiring A. he has to keep up with new technology in order to lead his people better B. he has to receive further education in order to get promotion to a higher position C. he has to know more than other smart managers in order to make better reports D. he has to learn time management tactics in order to transfer to management department [单项选择]发现可疑的鼠疫病人时,应当()。
A. 就地隔离治疗 B. 立即送往医院 C. 立即送往传染病医院 D. 居家隔离 [单项选择]肺炎链球菌为()
A. 专性需氧菌 B. 需氧或兼性厌氧菌 C. 专性厌氧菌 D. 专性CO2菌 E. 微需氧菌 [判断题]旅游活动的主体是旅行者,客体则是旅游资源。
[单选题]根据《GBT 12145-1999 火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量》要求规定,凝结水经过氢型混床处理后,钠通用性指标为( )μg/L。
A. ≤0 B. ≤5 C. ≤8 D. ≤10 [单选题]男性,25岁,左侧眼部、颞部疼痛,伴左侧流泪和流涕。头痛多发生在夜间,反复发作5~6周后可缓解数月。最可能的发病机制是( )(1.01分)
A.脑血管畸形 B.颅内压增高 C.颅内静脉窦血栓形成 D.颅内、外血管扩张 E.脑供血不足 [简答题] HIGH-IMPACT VIRAL MARKETING STRATEGIES
Business Presentation
1. The term "viral marketing" has been discussed on the Internet for the past (1)
2. Viral marketing includes allowing people to give away and use your free product or service in order to (2)
3. The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad with the (3)
High impact viral marketing strategies:
Allow people
4. to reprint your articles on (4)
5. to use any of your freebies as (5) use your online discussion board for their own web site, at the top of which, include (6)
7. to sign up for a free web site on (7)
8. to add their link to your free (8)
9. to provide their web site with your (9)
10. to give away your (10)
11. to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, (11)
12. to place an advertisement in your (12)
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