首先考虑诊断() Some cities grow very large because of
two important reasons. First, there may be important natural resources like
wood, gas, oil, rivers or harbors near or in the city. Natural resources like
wood or oil can be brought to the city and made into products to sell. Other
resources, like rivers or harbors help to send the city’s products to other
places to be sold. Second, the city may be located in a place where roads and
rivers come together. This makes these cities good places to buy and sell
goods. Houston is a city that grew large because it has two important natural resources. They are oil and a good harbor. The oil can be brought to Houston, made into different products, and shipped out of the harbor to other parts of the world. Chicago is a city that grew very large because of its location at a place where roads A. location B. weather C. harbor D. A and B [单项选择]环境经济政策是指按照市场经济规律的要求,运用价格、税收、财政、信贷、收费、保险等经济手段,调节或影响市场主体的行为,以实现经济建设与环境保护协调发展的政策手段。“绿色保险”制度就是其中之一。“绿色保险”在我国是一项全新的制度,最终要靠市场运作,其依据是______。
A. 市场调节具有自发性 B. 市场对资源配置起基础性作用 C. 加强宏观调控是充分发挥市场调节作用的前提 D. 国家宏观调控以行政手段为主,经济手段为辅 [单项选择][*]
A. 减低散热效能,并使高压过低 B. 减低散热效能,并使高压过高 C. 增加散热效能,并使高压过高 D. 增加散热效能,并使高压过低 [判断题]( )铝热焊缝距轨枕边缘,线路允许速度不大于160km/h线路不应小于80 mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]变电站计算机监控系统全站SOE分辨率为()。
A. ≤1ms B. ≤2ms C. ≤3ms D. ≤4ms E. ≤5ms 我来回答: 提交