Although I know that many of you think
the opposite, most human beings have a high level of intelligence, a good memory
and can solve problems easily. They live longer and therefore tend to be much
more aware of past and future than we are. They communicate by a set of sounds
which carry meaning from the order in which they are placed, and which vary from
territory to territory, so that some humans find difficulty in communicating
with others according to where they come from--if they have been raised in
different country and have not had special training. Humans have also invented a
set of marks on paper which they use to represent these sounds and which you may
often see them concentrating on. In these two ways they have developed their
eyes and ears to a higher level of interpretation than ourselves, but in doing
so they have lost A. show that a human is little better than a dog when communicating with it B. illustrate how intelligent dogs can be when they have had special training C. hint that dog owners would be better off without forcing dogs to behave like a human D. disprove all the possible reasons for humans to keep dogs with them for company [判断题]因专特运原因不能安排施工计划时,按总公司(铁路局)调度命令执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]用人单位与劳动者订立的劳动合同中劳动报酬和劳动条件等标准( )集体合同规定的标准。
[单选题]气体灭火系统的防护区围护结构及门窗的允许压强不宜小于( )Kpa。(易)
A.1.1 B.1.2 C.1.3 D.1.4 [判断题]物业管理的主要对象是房地产综合开发的小区或社区。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]证券公司对客户融资融券的授信方式一般有两种,分别是( )。
A. 固定授信方式 B. 定价授信方式 C. 市价授信方式 D. 非固定授信方式 [单项选择]根据土地增值税的规定,以下说法中正确的是( )。
A. 纳税人转让房地产所取得的收入,是指转让房地产所取得的各种收入,不允许从中减除任何成本费用 B. 取得的收入为外国货币的,按照纳税义务发生之日中国人民银行公布的人民币市场汇率中间价,折合成人民币计算 C. 对于一方出地,一方出资金,双方合作建房,建成后分房自用的,按规定征收土地增值税 D. 土地增值税的计税.依据是取得的收入额 [单项选择]城市常住人口是指( )。
A. 居住在城市的人口 B. 拥有城市户籍的城市人口 C. 在城市拥有工作的人口 D. 在城市居住超过一年的人口 [单选题]剃须刀飞利浦S510双头全身水洗 单位 台 零售价( )
A.85.00 B.208.0 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》规定每一成人旅客可免费携带一名身高不足1.2米的儿童,超过一名时,超过的人数应买儿童票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行政机关收集证据时,在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,经行政机关负责人批准,可以先行登记保存,并应当在7日内及时作出处理决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交