Every human has a very unique
arrangement of the skin on his finger and this arrangement is unchangeable.
Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness (独特性) of fingerprints and
discovered that no exactly similar pattern (式样) is passed on from parents to
children, though nobody knows why this is the case. The ridge (脊状) structure on a person’s lingers does not change with the growth and is not affected by superficial (表面的) injuries. Burns, cuts and other damage to tile outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by the new one which bears a reproduction (再现) of the original pattern. It is when the inner skin is injured that tile arrangement will be destroyed. Stone criminals make use of tilts fact to remove their own fingerprints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take. Fingerprints call be made very easily wit A. accept B. commit C. deny D. prove [判断题]对以出卖为目的而非法收买毒品的行为应定贩卖毒品罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]牵引绳与导线、地线(光缆)连接应使用()。
A.专用连接网套 B.专用牵引头 C.挂胶滚动横梁 D.防护栅栏 [多选题]下列属于无效的行政行为的是:( )
A.行政主体受胁迫而作出的行政行为 B.行政行为有重大违法行为 C.行政行为将导致相对人犯罪 D.行政行为没有可能实施 [单项选择]环境污染致人损害,适用_______归责原则。
A. 无过错责任 B. 过错推定 C. 公平责任 D. 过错责任 [单选题]电缆进入建筑物和穿过建筑物墙板时,都要加( )保护。
A.硬塑料管 B.PVC管 C.钢管 D.铝管 [填空题]汽轮机热态启动时,润滑油温不得低于()℃。
[多选题]CCBⅡ型制动机主要由( )和电空控制单元EPCU等组成。
A.LCDM制动显示屏 B.EBV电子制动阀 C.集成处理模块IPM D.继电器接口模块RIM [单项选择]十二经之海是指:()
A. 督脉 B. 任脉 C. 冲脉 D. 带脉 E. 阴维脉 [多选题]浮盘倾盘、沉盘火灾。严禁向( ),严禁采取车载炮、移动炮仰角吊射战术,防止加速浮盘沉没和水垫层形成,出现沸溢或喷溅,导致出现罐火+池火灾情。( )
A.浮盘冷却; B.浮盘降温; C.浮盘射水; D.喷射泡沫 [单选题]职业病防治工作应该坚持以()为主。
A.治疗 B.处罚 C.预防 [判断题]( )弹条V型扣件轨距调整量:-8~+4mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列选项中,以“孔雀舞”著称的少数民族是________。
A. 土家族 B. 傣族 C. 藏族 D. 蒙古族 [简答题]炉膛冷态吹扫允许条件之一:所有播煤风调门开度均>___(取反馈)。
[单项选择]《电能质量电压波动和闪变》中规定,公共连接点(PCC)是指( )。
A. 电力系统中一个以上用户的连接处 B. 企业专用总变电所,向所属各车间供电的母线处 C. 车间变电所向所属各工段供电的母线处 D. 动力配电箱向各设备供电的母线处 [判断题]地方行政机关不仅包括地方各级人民政府,还包括地方政府各部门。
[单选题] 办理人民币与外汇货币掉期业务必须符合实需原则, 分支机构必须( )将客户委托与总行平盘。
A.逐笔 B.按月统一 C.按旬统一 D.按年统一 [单项选择]在Excel中,数据类型可分为()。
A. 数值型和非数值型 B. 数值型,文本型,日期型和字符型 C. 字符型,逻辑型和备注型 D. 都不对 [判断题]绝缘介质在交流电压作用下,可以看作是由电容和电阻构成的等值串联电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]安全风险分级管控标准要求建立以安全矿长负责的体系
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
{{B}}Section A{{/B}} There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world and
the number is rising by more than 40 million each year. The average distance
driven by car users is growing too--from 8 km a day per person in Western Europe
in 1965 to 26 km a day in 1995. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise
to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil
resources, traffic congestion and safety.
While emissions from new ears are far less harmful than they used to be, city streets and motorways are becoming more crowed than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis, which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. In Europe most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport. Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. In the [多选题]多选题:下列关于沈阳地铁车辆编组说法正确的是( )。
A.“Tc”车为带司机室的拖车 B.“Mp”车为带受电弓的拖车 C.“T”车为不带司机室的拖车 D.“-”为半自动车钩 [单选题]氯甲烷的爆炸极限是( )。
A.A、7%--19% B.B、5.5%--54% C.C、4%--74% D.D、10%--28% [简答题]•0215190150
A.医学科研机构科研诚信监管的责任 B.规范医学科研诚信行为 C.养成良好科研行为习惯 D.遵守诚信原则 E.加强科研诚信体制建设 [判断题]压风机安全阀应每半年校验一次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交