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"It is always better to buy a house; paying rent is like pouring money down the drain." For years, such advice has encouraged people to borrow heavily to get on the property ladder as soon as possible. But is it still sound advice House prices are currently at record levels in relation to rents in many parts of the world and it now often makes more financial sense--especially for first--time buyers--to rent instead.
Homebuyers tend to underestimate their costs. Once maintenance costs, insurance and property taxes are added to mortgage payments, total annual outgoings now easily exceed the cost of renting an equivalent property, even after taking account of tax breaks. Ah, but capital gains will more than make up for that, it is popularly argued. Over the past seven years, average house prices in America have risen by 65% , those in Britain, Spain, Australia and Ireland have more than doubled. But it is unrealistic to expect such gains to co
A. to purchase,
B. to rent.
C. to pay.
D. to lend.
More than three years after moving from
Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are
done here. Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for "a drink on Sunday morning" by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded—lots of chat and discussions, and on all a very jolly occasion. Trouble was, there was no food—no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hard-worked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out. By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up "please explain" to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, an A. (A) considered him important enough to invite to dinner B. (B) wished to be friendly with him and his wife C. (C) had time to spend cooking formal meals D. (D) possessed the right cutlery and crockery for formal meals [单项选择]下列哪项是肝癌最常见的临床表现()。
A. 肝脏肿块 B. 腹水 C. 肝区疼痛 D. 黄疸 E. 发热 [单选题]安全风险评估从()制度、技术、应对措施等方面加强管控,采取隔离危险源、运用技术手段、实施个体防护、设置监控设施等措施,规避或者降低风险,确保安全风险始终处于受控范围内
A.组织 B.方向 C.目标 D.手段 [单项选择]President Bush said US forces will remain in Iraq until ______.
A. It’s a free country run by UN B. It’s a colony nm by US C. It’s a free land nm by its own people [单选题]《生产作业现场防止人身伤害十条禁令及二十条重点管控措施》规定,各级安监部门强化监督检查,定期在安全生产分析会、()例会上通报、考核。
A.A.安全监督(安全网) B.B.安全检查 C.C.安全监察 D.D.安全督查 [单选题]一般工件厚度较小时,选用( )的K值,以便增加一次波的声程,避免近场区探伤。
A.较大 B.较小 C.表面波 D.扫查波 [简答题]什么是导热系数?导热系数与什么有关?
A. 梗塞坏死区出现水肿 B. 梗塞坏死区出现躏细胞坏死 C. 梗塞坏死区出现血脑屏障破坏 D. 梗塞坏死区出现吞噬细胞、胶质细胞成分 E. 梗塞坏死区出现吞噬细胞、胶质细胞成份,脑水肿消失 [多选题]修改后的《安全生产法》十大亮点是;坚持以人为本,推进安全发展;建立完善安全生产方针和工作机制;落实“三个必须”,明确安全监管部门执法地位;明确乡镇人民政府以及街道办事处、开发区管理机构安全生产职责;进一步强化生产经营单位的安全生产主体责任;建立事故预防和应急救援的制度;( )。
A.建立安全生产标准化制度 B.推行注册安全工程师制度 C.推进安全生产责任保险制度 D.加大对安全生产违法行为的责任追究力度 E.不需要执行注册安全工程师制度; [判断题]编组列车时,应按补轴、超轴规定编组列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]判断题:银行清点票款时发现假币由送行票款的相关封装人负责补足票款。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]三相负载又分为(___)负载和(___)负载。
A.对称三相 B.不对称三相 C.电源 D.相间 [多选题]发包人应及时向勘察人提供()并对其准确性、可靠性负责。
A.施工单位人员配备、资质、授权范围 B.本工程的批准文件(复印件) ,以及用地(附红线范围)、施工、勘察许可等批件(复印件) C.工程勘察任务委托书、技术要求和工作范围的地形图、建筑总平面布置图 D.勘察工作范围已有的技术资料及工程所需的坐标与标高资料 E.勘察工作范围地下已有埋藏物的资料(如电力、电信电缆、各种管道、人防设施、洞室等)及具体位置分布图 [单选题] 辨认违法嫌疑人时,被辨认的人数不得少于()。
A. 5人 B. 7人 C. 10人 D. 12人 [单选题]消防救援队伍举行升国旗时,指战员行( )礼。
A.举手 B.注目 C.举枪 [多项选择]《公共场所卫生管理条例》规定,凡患有下列()疾病的,必须调离岗位,治愈前不得从事直接为顾客服务的工作。
A. 风疹 B. 病毒性肝炎 C. 伤寒 D. 流行性感冒 [判断题] ( ) 2019年9月2日起实施的车辆分公司《危险化学品安全管理规定》中指出,危险化学品应该分类贮存在物流危险化学品仓库内。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]准确量取5.00mL溶液一般采取()。
A. 移液管 B. 吸量管 C. 量筒 D. 滴定管 [单选题]䅱.(298533)列车广播工区对管内设备每列车底,每年( ),要对广播机使用情况进行添程检查。
A.A、3次 B.B、1—2次 C.C、4次 D.D、5次 [单选题]当允许速度120km/h以下正线线路前后高低误差达到( )时,应进行经常保养作业。
A.4mm B.6mm C.7mm D.10mm [单选题]孕妇,妊娠32周。因“胎膜早破”14小时入院,检查发现胎心正常,无腹痛。错误的处理措施是( )
A.给予抗生素 B.严密观察孕妇生命体征 C.监测白细胞计数 D.监测胎儿宫内安危 E.无需使用抗生素 [简答题]
孙某某,男,44岁,市场部经理,因饮酒后腹痛伴呕吐33小时而来医院就诊。疼痛呈持续性刀割样,阵发性加重,且向腰部呈带状放射,稍进食后则疼痛更剧烈。呕吐一次,为食物残渣。中度发热,给予解痉药疼痛无减轻。既往胆囊炎胆石症史,平时进食油腻或饮酒后有上腹部疼痛发作。体形肥胖,心率110次/分,律齐。腹部检查:腹壁明显紧张,上中腹部压痛明显,有反跳痛,肝脏肋下未及,墨菲氏征阳性,移动性浊音阳性。 [单项选择]下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 在现代社会,财产是每个人生活的物质基础 B. 在法律上,个人所有权的权利主体是个人 C. 个人的合法财产仅仅在其在世时受国家法律的保护 D. 个人所有的财产既可以是作为生活资料使用的财产,也可以是作为生产资料使用的财产 [单项选择]主动脉瓣狭窄的杂音,性质是()
A. 多局限在心尖部的舒张期杂音 B. 向左腋窝传导的收缩期杂音 C. 向胸骨下端左缘传导的舒张期杂音 D. 沿胸骨右缘向颈部传导的收缩期杂音 E. 向左肩胛下角传导的收缩期杂音 [单项选择]提出行受理全国支票,凭证审查无误后,在第二联的进帐单上加盖()
A. 业务公章 B. 收妥后入帐 C. 转讫章 D. 受理凭证用用章 [单选题](单选题).依据知—信—行健康相关行为改变模式,病人教育的重点应放在( )
A.知识改变上 B.态度改变上 C.观念改变上 D.技能提高上 E.行为转变上 [多选题]哨兵交接班时,由交班警卫人员通报()等值班情况。
A.人员车辆出入 B.队容风纪检查 C.领导交办事项 D.环境卫生 我来回答: 提交