1 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN Thursday, May 13, 2004) --
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Thursday arrived in the Iraqi capital on a
surprise visit to rally U.S. troops, but denied his agenda was to calm the storm
over prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. 2 "If anybody thinks that I’m [in Iraq] to throw water on a fire, they’re wrong," Rumsfeld told reporters on board his flight to Iraq. 3 "We care about the detainees being treated fight. We care about soldiers behaving right. We care about command systems working." 4 Rumsfeld was accompanied by Gen. Richard Myers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a team of Pentagon attorneys, sources involved in planning the trip told CNN. 5 Rumsfeld and Myers will meet with top coalition officials in Iraq. For security reasons, details of their schedules are being kept secret. It i A. calm the storm over prisoner abuse B. rally U.S. troops C. escape censure at Home D. replace top coalition officials [单选题]清醒的口服毒物中毒者,洗胃首选的方法是
A.口服催吐法 B.漏斗胃管洗胃法 C.注洗器胃管洗胃法 D.自动洗胃机洗胃法 E.灌肠法 [多选题]减免税就是对税率所做的一种灵活延伸,它主要包括()方面的内容。
A.减税 B.免税 C.起征点 D.免征额 [判断题]对违法行为给予行政处罚的规定必须公布;未经公布的,不得作为行政处罚的依据。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于已确立风险等级的存量产品,各业务条线管理部门应根据其风险程度设置相应的重新评估期限,实现对风险的持续追踪。原则上等级为较低、低的产品应每( )至少进行一次重新评估。
A.A.半年 B.B.一年 C.C.两年 D.D.三年 [单选题](28303)粗实线用以表示( )。(1.0分)
A.尺度线 B.轮廓线 C.剖面线 D.中心线 [判断题]消防救援人员在安全管理方面不需要履行熟悉常见事故预防的基本常识义务
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]People often talk about love at first sight It happens, but rarely.__________________(过快地做出一生的承诺会酿成苦果。首先给你自己一点时间去真正地了解一个人).
[单选题]NPN型晶体三极管处于放大状态时,各极电位关系是( )。
A.`U c` > `Ue > `U b` B.`Uc > `Ub` > Ue。 C.`U c` < Ue < `Ub D.`U_c` < `U b` < `Ue` [判断题] 用户上网必须使用调制解调器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗作用和不良反应是()
A. 药物作用的选择性 B. 药物作用的两重性 C. 药物的基本作用 D. 药物的作用机制 E. 药物作用的方式 [单选题]测量额定电压为380V的电动机的绝缘电阻,应选用额定电压( )的兆欧表。
A.500V B.5000V C.2000V D.2500V [填空题] 车辆通过道口时,在装载高度超过( )m的货物上严禁坐人。
[单选题]护士在传染病区使用口罩,符合要求的是 ( )
A.口罩应遮住口部 B.口罩潮湿应晾干再用 C.污染的手只能触摸口罩外面 D.取下口罩后外面向外折叠 E.取下口罩后勿挂在胸前 我来回答: 提交