In most sectors of the economy, it is
the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of
price, quality and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. In the
health care industry, however, the doctor-patient relation- ship is the mirror
image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer. Once an
individual has chosen to see a physician, the physician usually makes all
significant purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return "nest
Wednesday" whether X-rays are needed, whether drugs should be prescribed,
etc. This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed, and announce when the patient may be discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these A. indifferent B. negative C. positive D. more than concerned [单选题]变压器油中⽔分增加可使油的绝缘强度( )。
A.降低 B.增加 C.不变 D.恒定 [多选题]经纬仪一般由(____)水平度盘等部分组成。
A.基座 B.基础 C.镜筒 D.垂直度盘 [简答题]栏杆的造型与其所在环境及组景的关系?
[判断题]“二十公”提出坚持“从严治警”要做到严格教育、严格管理、严格监督、严格训练、严格纪律。( )
[填空题]The Museum of Natural History is one of the most interesting museums at the University of Kansas. The museum opened in 1903, and its first exhibit was L. L. Dyche’s collection of stuffed animals. Today, the museum has over 130 exhibits on four floors. The first thing visitors see from the museum’s main entrance on the fourth floor is a very large display called a panorama. This exhibit of North American plants and animals was L. L. Dyche’s collection. Down one floor is a large collection of fossils found in the Kansas area. On the fifth floor, visitors can learn about North American Indians. Going up one more floor, visitors can see a working beehive, live snakes, stuffed fish and birds, and many other displays of Kansas plants and animals.
The first exhibits in the museum are (46) . Nowadays, there are more than (47) on the four floors. The first exhibit visitors could see is called (48) . On the fifth floor, visitors may get [单选题]根据《突发事件应对法》,国家建立有效的(),增强全民的公共安全和防范风险的意识,提高全社会的避险救助能力。
A.监测与预警机制 B.信息报告与发布机制 C.社会动员机制 D.协调与汇报机制 [多选题]关于地震灾害建筑倒塌协同救援,下面描述正确的是()。
A. 供电部门切断现场电源 B. 供气部门切断现场气源 C. 供水部门切断现场水源 D. 交通运输部门或社会单位提供重型工程机械 [单选题]创伤急救,必须遵守“三先三后”的原则,对窒息或心跳呼吸刚停止不久的伤员人应该( )。
A. 先搬运后止血 B. 先固定后搬运 C.先复苏后搬运 [单选题]用万用表测量晶闸管元件阳极和阴极之间的正反向电阻时,优质元件在兆欧数量级,少则( )。
A.几十欧以上 B.几百欧以上 C.几千欧以上 D.几百千欧以上 [填空题]The people may be willing to help you.
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