Man-made climate change is "unequivocal
(毋庸置疑的)" and demands urgent action. Yesterday’s report from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change underlined the former point,{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week
demonstrated the growing consensus on the{{U}} (68) {{/U}}. The
challenge now is action. The IPCC’s warning is serious: temperatures are likely to{{U}} (69) {{/U}}by about 3℃ by 2100, with a{{U}} (70) {{/U}}of 2℃ to 4.5℃. The latter would be close to the difference{{U}} (71) {{/U}}the hast ice age and today. Adaptation is going to be part of the response, not least{{U}} (72) {{/U}}a substantial rise in temperatures is already on the way: the stock of greenhouse gases in the{{U}} (73) {{/U}}now is already 50 percent{{U}} (74) {{/U}}pre-industrial levels. But it is also essen A. atmosphere B. climate C. circumstance D. weather [单选题]开放信号时,执行“眼看、手指、口呼”制度,“手指”是指中、食指并拢成“剑指”,指向( )。
A.需要操纵的道岔 B.应确认的按钮(计算机联锁设备为鼠标箭头或光电笔对准应确认的按钮) C.需要开放的信号机 D.略 [判断题]. 侵权责任编中自甘风险和自助行为是新增加的两个免责事由。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在设计适当的内部控制系统中,可以由一个人兼任的工作是()
A.批准付款与签发付款支票 B.保管空白支票和银行预留印鉴 C.登记现金日记账和银行存款日记账 D.接收客户支票和批准注销客户的应收账款 [单选题]发电厂主要机组(锅炉、汽机、燃机、发电机、水轮机、水泵水轮机)停用检修,只需第一天办理开工手续,以后每天开工时,应由工作负责人检查现场,核对安全措施。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单项选择]失恋的小张每当想起以前的女友,就用皮筋弹自己的手腕,以此希望忘记不快。这种方式是()
A. 强化法 B. 脱敏法 C. 厌恶法 D. 想象法 E. 示范法 [单项选择]以下关于公文写作的几种说法中,不正确的是()。
A. 在公文中安排语序时,当一组概念表现由若干连续的动作、行为构成的活动过程时,一般应按时间发展顺序排列 B. 公文中的疑问语气一般较少使用语气词“啊”“呢”“吧”等,“吗”也尽可能不用或少用 C. 有些公文的主题,可以根据领导人授意而直接表达,有些公文的主题,则需在调查研究的过程中,随着对客观实际情况全面而深入的探索而逐步提炼与明确 D. 受双重领导的机关向上级机关请示,应写明主送机关和抄送机关,由抄送机关答复 [单选题]患者头痛恶寒,身重疼痛,面色淡黄,胸闷不饥,午后身热,苔白不渴,脉弦细而濡,治宜首选( )
A.甘露消毒丹 B.连朴饮 C.藿香正气散 D.三仁汤 E.九味羌活汤 [单选题]适宜的病室色调是( )
A.红色 B.奶色 C.黑色 D.橙色 E.紫色 [填空题]Science textbooks and technical and professional journals are usually made up of several parts and contain various special features, many of which have a standard format. 【B1】 usually contain a large number of these parts; journals and 【B2】 contain many, but not all of them.
Knowing where to look for information and 【B3】 to expect in a book can greatly increase your ability to use all the information there. Explanations of and practice using some of these textbook parts and 【B4】 are covered in these even numbered lessons. The features in textbooks are 【B5】 into the following three categories. Front matter is the 【B6】 -numeral paginated section at the front of most books. The text is the main body of the book. The 【B7】 matter comprises the additional sections at the back of most books. 【B8】 our discussion of these three sections will deal mainly with textbooks, the practice provided will greatly 【B9】 your comprehension of scientific 【B10】 as well.
A. A.information B.abilities C.features D.expectation [单选题]所有的缺陷应闭环整改复验后,方可通过竣工验收,由项目( )单位出具项目竣工验收报告。
A.建设 B.物资 C.运检 D.管理 [判断题]应在开关柜投入运行60分钟后,
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. former B. formula C. formal D. formative [简答题]为何车钩在闭锁位时钩舌销应能自由转动?
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