An independent inquiry into out of
hours services of family doctors in Scotland has concluded that the introduction
of GP cooperatives has been a positive development that is benefiting both
patients and doctors. The working group that drew up the report, however, has expressed some concern about the treatment of children and difficulties faced by some patients in arranging their own transport to travel to emergency centers. Improvements are being sought by the Scottish Office on these issues to improve the quality, fairness, and responsiveness of the system. The inquiry was prompted by the deaths of two babies in Ayrshire after the local cooperative, Ayrshire Doctors on Call, provided telephone advice but declined requests for home visits. Parents A. GP cooperatives were established with different medical units B. transport arrangements and quality of services provided by different medical units are not of the same standards C. patients request for fairness of transport arrangements D. cooperatives should make improvement in the treatment of children [多选题]下列情形中,人民警察不得使用武器的有()。
A.接待群众上访时,群众对民警无礼辱骂 B.现场盘问时,嫌疑人员拔腿就跑 C.治安调解时,双方当事人情绪激动,互相殴斗 D.查处交通违章时,被违章妇女手抓嘴咬 [多选题]填用第一种工作票的工作为( )、在直流线路停电时的工作、在直流接地极线路或接地极上的工作。
A.在停电的线路或同杆(塔)架设多回线路中的部分停电线路上的工作。 B.在停电的配电设备上的工作。 C.在运行线路杆塔上的工作。 D.高压电力电缆需要停电的工作。 [多选题]粉尘测定的三项指标是:( ) 。
A.粉尘浓度 B.分散度 C.总粉尘和呼尘 D.游离SiO2含量 E.呼吸性粉尘浓度 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]值班站长应急处置时应主动使用( )与调度指挥中心联系。
A.调度电话 B.400M D.800M [填空题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统室内部分由发送器、 、衰耗器、电缆模拟网络防雷组合组成。
[单选题] 专责监护人( )兼做其他工作。
A.可以 B.根据工作需要可 C.不得 D.在全部停电时可 [判断题] 在绝缘试验时,通过测量介质损耗角的正切值tanδ来检验介质损耗的大小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
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