A. 低渗脑病
B. 低血糖昏迷
C. 高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷
D. 肺性脑病
E. 脑血管意外
F. 镇静药物过量
[判断题]建立安全生产责任制能够明确生产经营单位中各级负责人员、各职能部门及其工作人员和各岗位生产人员在安全生产中应履行的职责和应承担的责任。( )
Part 1 Question 46-50 ·
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Books written by managers for managers!Don ’t delay, join TODAY! ☆ Read the advertisement and complete the given information form.
Write a word, phrase or number in the spac
[多选题]以下属于水工建筑物范畴的是:( );
A. 自建饭店
B. 合资饭店
C. 收购兼并
D. 项是加速饭店集团扩张的有效途径之一
A. 该行政强制的必要性
B. 该行政强制的具体实施机关
C. 该行政强制可能产生的影响
D. 听取和采纳意见情况
[单选题]普速铁路,本线来车按下列距离下道完毕:Vmax≤60 km/h时,不小于( )。
A. 粟疮,疳积上目
B. 目视不明,老视
C. 经期目病,妊娠目病,产后目病
D. 天行赤眼
E. 能近怯远
[填空题] It’’s an annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that 【B1】 evening you’’re burning the late-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards 【B2】 are throwing the books at kids. 【B3】 elementary school students are complaining of homework 【B4】 . What’’s a well-meaning parent to do
As hard as 【B5】 may be, sit back and chill, experts advise. Though you’’ve got to get them to do it, 【B6】 helping too much, or even examining 【B7】 too carefully, you may keep them 【B8】 doing it by themselves. "I wouldn’’t advise a parent to check every 【B9】 assignment," says psychologist John Roscmond, author of Ending the Tough Homework. There’’s a 【B10】 of appreciation for trial and error, let your children 【B11】 the grade they deserve.
Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their 【B12】 . But "you don’’t want them to feel it has to be 【B13】 " she says. That’’s not to say parents shou
A. A.there
A. 作用规律
B. 药性
C. 质地
D. 滋味
E. 用药部位
项目 | 2008年1月1日 | 2009年1月1日 | 账面价值 | 公允价值 | 账面价值 | |
[单项选择]在清洗柴油机机油滤清器时发现有金属颗粒,有可能是()。 A. 轴瓦磨损过大 B. 气门间隙过大 C. 连杆扭曲变形 D. 汽缸体产生裂纹
[多选题]动火作业,是指能( )。 A.直接产生明火的作业 B.间接产生明火的作业 C.包括熔化焊接切割喷枪等 D.包括喷灯钻孔打磨锤击破碎切削等
[单选题]乘客携带违禁物品已在本站进站,但被车站人员发现并制止其乘车,乘客要求退票时,经当班值班站长确认后,()。 A.A. 不允许退票 B.B. 让其离开 C.C. 没收其违禁物品 D.D. 可办理特殊退款
[多项选择]配合公差大小与()有关。 A. 轴的公差带大小 B. 轴的公差带位置 C. 孔的公差带大小 D. 孔的公差带位置 E. 配合所采用的基准制
[单项选择] 《汉穆拉比法典》是楔形文字法的代表,它出现在公元前18世纪的() A. 巴比伦王国 B. 埃及 C. 希腊 D. 罗马
[单项选择]中国社科院发布环境绿皮书《中国环境发展报告(2010)》。报告指出,北京是严重缺水城市,全市人均水资源占有量仅相当于全国水平的1/8,但却存在严重的奢侈性水消费。北京人口以1700万人来算,假如每人每月去洗浴中心消费一次,每次消耗400升水,那么北京仅洗浴中心洗澡一项每年消耗水资源就高达8160万吨,相当于41个昆明湖那么多。 如果以下各项为真,哪项最能质疑上述推论______ A. 用家用热水器洗澡耗水也不小 B. 很多人达不到每月洗浴一次的频率 C. 除了洗浴业,北京几个大型滑雪场也是高耗水行业 D. 洗浴中心用工数量大,可以创造大量的就业机会,同时还可拉动消费
[单项选择]项目监理组织开展各项监理活动,需要运用(),以便激发所有监理人员的积极性,将自己的能力发挥出来,为实现监理总目标而努力。 A. 要素有用性原理 B. 动态相关性原理 C. 规律效应性原理 D. 主观能动性原理
[单项选择]年度内火灾死亡人数与常住人口的比值是()。 A. 万人火灾发生率 B. 万人火灾死亡率 C. 十万人火灾发生率 D. 十万人火灾死亡率
A.正确 B.错误
[填空题]概要设计说明书是软件______ 阶段的主要成果。
[填空题]A = Station manager B = Purchasing manager C = Retail foodstore manager D = Retail store manager E = City manager Who... ※ should maintain an adequate supply of necessary items. 71. ______ ※ should have a Master’s degree in public administration. 72. ______ ※ could earn 26000 U. S. dollars annually in a small city. 73. ______ ※ should have been trained in mass communications at 74. ______ college. ※ may have learned the trade in a family-owned store. 75. ______ ※ is very much concerned with employee and customer relations. 76. ______ ※ works longer hours than clerks do. 77. ______ ※ works for the construction company. 78. ______ ※ coordinates operations in the foodstore. 79. ______ ※ may get bonuses for sales volume and profits generated. 80. ______<
[单项选择]机体免疫系统杀伤和清除异常突变细胞的能力称为() A. 免疫防御 B. 免疫监视 C. 免疫稳定 D. 免疫逃逸 E. 免疫调节
[单选题]世界未有之大变局正在加速演变。( )仍然是时代主题,但是不稳定不确定性更加突出。 A.发展与共享 B.和平与融合 C.和平与发展 D.开放与包容
[填空题] The Value of Motherhood In shopping malls, the assistants try to push you into buying "a gift to thank her for her unselfish love". When you log onto a website, a small pop-up invites you to book a bouquet for her. Commercial warmth and gratitude are the atmosphere being spread around for this special Sunday in May. (46) . The popularity of Mother’s Day around the world suggests that Jarvis got all she wanted. In fact, she got more enough to make her horrified. (47) . They buy, among other things, 132 million cards. Mother’s Day is the No. 1 holiday for flower purchases. Then there are the various commodities, ranging from jewelry and clothes to cosmetics and washing powder that take advantage of the promotion opportunities. Because of this, Jarvis spent the last 40 years of her life trying to stop Mother’s Day. One protest against the commercialization of Mother’s Day even got her arrested for disturbing the pea
[单选题]与奥氏体不锈钢相比,铁素体一奥氏体不锈钢的主要性能为( )。 A.韧性较低 B.屈服强度较髙 C.可焊性较差 D.应力腐蚀较大
[判断题]员工培训应从情绪管理和干劲鼓舞方面入手。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]在保险合同订立过程中,提出要约的一方是( ) A. 保险人 B. 被保险人 C. 投保人 D. 受益人
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is true
A. Many subjects had less difficulty in remembering names than in recognizing them. B. One of the results showed that recognizing names and recognizing faces were both easy. C. These college students had the same trouble recalling names and faces. D. It was quite possible to tell all these names from photographs in three minutes.
[判断题]钻井液密度过高容易损害油气层、降低钻井速度、造成压差卡钻和易憋漏地层。( )[1分] A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]防范电力人身事故重点措施及要求规定;燃料区域的推煤机、装载机等大型机械作业时,只要现场有人指挥,不需要声光警示信号。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]在信息传递过程中不产生第二信使的物质是 A. 肾上腺素 B. 胰高血糖素 C. 甲状腺素 D. 促肾上腺皮质激素
[单选题]安全带、安全绳应挂在牢固的物体上并拴绑牢固,安全桩应()。 A.一桩一人 B.一桩一绳 C.一桩多人 D.一桩多绳
[单项选择]Arsenic, a naturally occurring poison and carcinogen found in ground water, is strongly linked to adult-onset diabetes, U. S. researchers said on Tuesday. Odorless, tasteless, colorless and easily soluble in water or wine, arsenic has long been a feared poison. A heavy dose is detectable in a corpse, but researchers say small amounts of arsenic may sicken people gradually. Dr. Ana Navas-Aeien and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found a " relatively strong " association between commonly found levels of arsenic in urine and type 2 diabetes in a study of American adults. " It seems there is maybe no safe level of arsenic. " Navas-Acien said in a telephone interview. " Worldwide it’s a huge problem, " she said. " As water becomes a scarce resource. the situation becomes even more serious. " Arsenic raises the risk for cancers of the bladder, lung, kidney, skin and, possibly, the pros tate, Navas-Acien said. The 20 percent of nearly 800 study participants who A. Low level of arsenic seems to do no harm to human health. B. Different people have tolerance for different arsenic levels. C. There is a positive correlation between the risk for diabetes and the arsenic levels. D. Arsenic levels will be higher after people suffered from diabetes.
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