As my train wasn’t due to leave for
another hour, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some newspapers to
read on the journey, I made my way to the luggage office to collect the heavy
suitcase I had left there three days before. There were only a few people
waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. The receipt
didn’t seem to be where I had left it. I emptied the contents of the wallet, and
railway-tickets, money, scraps of paper, and photographs fell out of it; but no
matter how hard I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked at me suspiciously as if to say that he had heard this type of story many times and asked me to describe the case. I told him that it was an old, brown-looking object not differ A. to show mercy to B. to leave over or more than you need C. to be free D. to use in a small quantity [单选题]FCOM04117有关进近(APP)方式的工作,哪一种说法是错误的?
A.航向道应在下滑道之前截获 B.只有在航向选择方式才能截获航向道 C.航向道和下滑道捕获后,APP电门灯灭 D.当飞机低于下滑到2/5个点时下滑道截获 [判断题]氯酸钾在碱溶液中有强氧化作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当柴油机曲轴箱压力达到( )Pa时,差示压力计CS的两个触针被盐水导通,使4ZJ得电动作。
A.588 B.488 C.388 [单选题]机车鸣笛一长声,表示()注意信号
A.起动 B.慢行 C.推进 D.停车 [单项选择]普通除霜系统溶化风窗表面冰霜的速度比电加热风窗玻璃系统()。
A. 慢 B. 快 C. 差不多 D. 不确定 [单选题]题干:六淫之中,为阴邪,易阻遏气机、损阳气,性缠绵难退的邪气是( )
A.风 B.暑 C.湿 D.燥 E.寒 [多选题]采用《乘客票务事务处理单》进行票卡信息查询时,信息反馈时间正确的是()
A.A.查询时间段在 1 个月内的:1 个工作日内反馈查询记录 B.B.查询时间段在 2 年以内的:7 个工作日内反馈查询记录 C.C.查询时间段在 2 年以上的:14 个工作日内反馈查询记录 D.D.查询时间段每增加 1 年,反馈查询记录的时间增加 2 个工作日 [单选题][T]BD019 5 1 2
用于高温承压的保护套管应进行( )检查。 A.防腐 B.试压 C.泄漏 D.探伤 [单项选择]下列各项行为不属于消费者协会正确履行其职责的行为是______
A. 协会决定对某企业以协会名义推荐其优质商品,收取一定的费用成立该协会的基金会 B. 参加物价局举行的提高电费的听证会 C. 公布质量不合格产品的名单,使劣质商品的销售者——某大型商场声誉大受影响 D. 调解消费者张某受到侵害的侵权纠纷,双方未能达成和解,就支持张某起诉 [单选题]钢轨探伤仪37°探头探测螺孔时,下斜裂纹出波应()。
A. 出现在螺孔波之前 B. 出现在螺孔波之后 C. 与螺孔波同时出现 D. 与螺孔波出现时间前后不确定 [多选题]普速旅客列车终到站时车内无( )。
A.垃圾 B.污水 C.粪便 D.杂物 [多选题]外国人在中国境内,必须遵守中国法律。( )
A.不得危害中国国家安全 B.不得从事金融交易 C.不得损害社会公共利益 D.不得破坏社会公共秩序 我来回答: 提交