Valentine’s Day may come from the
ancient Roman feast of Luperealia. (1) the fierce wolves
roamed nearby, the old Romans called (2) the god Lupereus to
help them. A festival in his (3) was held February 15th. On
the eve of the festival the (4) of the girls were written
on (5) paper and placed in jars. Each young man (6)
a slip. The girl whose name was (7) was to be his
sweetheart for the year. Legend (8) it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day (9) a roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II (10) the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would (11) stay home than fight. When Valent A. part B. representative C. judgment D. symbol [多选题]数据库中的数据定义包括了( )等内容。
A.建立表 B.增加表中的行 C.增加表中的列 D.修改表中的数据 [单选题]蔬菜中维生素C含量最高的是( )。
A.辣椒 B.菠菜 C.空心菜 D.花椰菜 [单项选择]网络设备账号权限进行分级管理使用()账号进行网络设备的业务数据配置。
A. 一般用户 B. 操作管理员 C. 系统管理员 D. 安全员 [单选题]电力生产有限空间场所主要有( )、电缆(通信)管井、污水井、暖气沟等。
A.变电站 B.电缆隧道 C.锅炉房 [多项选择]根据连续相的不同钻井液可分为()。
A. 水基钻井液 B. 油基钻井液 C. 气体型钻井液 D. 分散钻井液 [判断题]任何物体,只要温度高于绝对零度 ,就会不停地向周围空间发出热辐射
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择](31)~(35)题使用如下表的数据: 部门表