患儿男,5岁,因剑突下剧烈疼痛,伴有恶心,呕吐,并吐出蛔虫,诊断为胆道蛔虫症。 |
Unfortunately most of the science
fiction films of the 1970s were not much influenced by 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Skillfully directed by Stanley Kubrick, 2001. which appeared in 1968, set new
standards for science fiction films. During the next decade, every one of the
dozens of science fiction movies released was compared to 2001 , and all but a
few were found sadly lacking. Admittedly, Kubrick had one of the largest budgets ever for a film of this kind, but, in my opinion, much of the movie’s power and appeal was achieved through relatively inexpensive means. For example, the musical score, which was adapted in large part from well-known classical compositions, was reinforced by the use of almost kaleidoscopic visual effects, especially during the space travel sequences. Spectacular camera work was edited to correspond precisely A. because its budget was large B. because its camera work and musical score were blended artistically C. because its plot was repetitive D. because its symbolism was very good [多项选择]非感染症病人用过的器材最好使用完毕按以下方法进行分类
A. 尽量不要直接用手进行分类 B. 锐利物品必须放在防刺容器内进行运输 C. 污物务必要防止干燥 D. 如不能在1h~2h之内及时清洗,须将物品浸于冷水或含酶液体中 E. 对于有大量有机物污染或污染物已干可先用酶洗涤剂浸泡至少2min以上 [单选题]BD004 C7012E、F火焰监测器的电压为( )。
A.100V B.120V C.208V D.220V [判断题]按电话命令执行的工作应留有录音或书面派工记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]监护操作时,其中一人对设备较为熟悉者作监护。特别重要和复杂的倒闸操作,由监护人操作,运维负责人监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]社会解体
A. 19.03 B. 20.03 C. 16.79 [单选题]变压器油闪点指( )。
A.A、着火点 B.B、油加热到某一温度油蒸气与空气混合物用火一点就闪火的温度 C.C、油蒸气一点就着的温度 D.D、、液体变压器油的燃烧点 [单选题]工作票票面上若有个别( )需要修改、补充时,应使用规范的符号,字迹应清楚。
A.错字 B.漏字 C.错、漏字 D.工作任务 [单项选择]标定下面滴定液所用的基准物质是盐酸滴定液
A. 三氯化二砷 B. 对氨基苯磺酸 C. 无水碳酸钠 D. 重铬酸钾 E. 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 [判断题]招聘文职辅警无需进行体能测试。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]安装时要考虑安装方向的阀门有哪些?
[单选题]刻板印象使人的社会知觉过程简化,因此它具有( )的作用。
A. 概括化 B. 社会适应 C. 抽象化 D. 消极 [多选题]金融信托与银行信贷的不同点有( )。
A.信用关系不同 B.业务范围不同 C.收益方式不同 D.风险责任不同 [判断题]短路电流的计算结果应用在验算小电动机的起动。( )
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