The evolutionary process culminating in man was finally completed about 35,000 years ago with the appearance of Homo Sapiens, or "thinking man." (1) in broadest perspective, this represents the second major turning (2) in the course of (3) on this planet. The first occurred when life (4) out of inorganic matter. After that momentous (5) , all living forms evolved by adapting (6) their environment, as was evident during the climate turmoil of the Pleistocene. But with the (7) of man, the evolutionary process was (8) . No longer did genes adapt to environment. Instead, man adapted by changing the environment to (9) his genes. Today, a third (10) turning point appears (11) , as man’s growing knowledge of the structure and function of genes may soon enable him to (12) his genes as well as his environment.
Man, and only man, has been able to create a made-to-order environment,
A. maintain
B. modify
C. dispose
D. diversify
某市房地产开发公司A通过出让方式取得了一块土地的使用权,在签订的土地使用权出让合同中规定,此土地按照城市规划为住宅用地,需进行商品住宅建设。A公司通过调查研究,发现将临街的部分土地用于商业将更具市场潜力,同时也会对其后的商品楼带来升值作用,遂向有关部门提出申请,申请最终得到批准。A公司在拆迁中遇到的钉子户C,无正当理由拒不与A公司签订拆迁协议,致使商品房建设难以进行。在此期间,商业中心建设按期进行,并于次年5月完成施工任务,并通过竣工验收。交付使用后,A公司将其出租给某经贸公司(B公司)进行经营。在此之后,商品住宅建设开始启动,在建设过程中,为了融通资金,A公司将先前建设的商业中心向建设银行进行了抵押,从而保证了商品住宅的按期完工。 |
M: Mary, would you go to the Children’s Center with us this Sunday afternoon
W: Well, I’d like to, but Mum asked me to see her nephew Tom at No. 1 People’s Hospital.
M: It doesn’t matter. What’s wrong with Tom Does he have a bad cold or have a headache
W: I was told that he hurt himself in the left left during the football game.
M: I’m sorry to hear that. How long has he been in the hospital
W: Three days. He was sent to the hospital as soon as his leg was hurt.
患者,男,41岁,1个月前有外伤史。现左肩痛1个月余,查体外展、后伸受限。 |
Passage 2 The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transaction between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. The usual reporting period for all the statistics included in the accounts is a year. A good or bad set of figures can have an influential effect on the exchange rate and can lead policy makers to change the content of their economic policies. Deficits may lead to the government raising interest rate or reducing public expenditure to reduce imports. Alternatively, deficits may lead to calls for protection against foreign imports or capital controls to defend the exchange rate. A key definition that needs to be resolved at the outset is that of a domestic and foreign resident. It is important to note that citizenship and residency ar A. The balance of payments is a digital table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. B. The balance of payments is a figured table of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and resident of the rest of the world during a given time period. C. The balance of payments is a statistical record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the rest of the world during a given time period. D. The balance of payment is a digital record of all the economic transactions between residents of the reporting country and residents of the test of the world during a given time period. [判断题]《普速铁路线路修理规则》规定,小阻力扣件使用的复合垫板,橡胶与不锈钢片分离大于3mm时应及时更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]现金办理交接、收发作业时必须在AFC票务室监视器可视范围内,严禁遮挡,严格执行双方确认、清点制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 桥式起重机支架悬吊间距约为( )。
A.0.5m B.1.5m C.2.5m D.5m [多项选择]不合理用药的后果包括()
A. 延误疾病治疗 B. 浪费医药资源 C. 产生不良反应 D. 引起药源性疾病 E. 酿成药疗事故 [单选题]夜间能见度低或在浓烟中行动时,按照( ),探步前进的要求小心行进,避开电梯井或回型楼梯等危险区域,防止踏空或重心不稳导致坠落伤害。
A.前虚后实 B.前实后虚 C.半蹲靠墙 D.俯卧爬行 [单选题]警戒标识杆是用于火灾等灾害事故现场设立( )。
A.安全区 B.疏散区 C.隔离区 D.警戒区 [多选题]混凝土养护采用暖棚法时,应遵守的规定有( )。
A.A.暖棚应经设计并绑扎牢固 B.B.暖棚应根据现场情况随意搭设 C.C.保温材料应具有阻燃特性 D.D.施工中应经常检查并备有必要的消防器材 [单项选择]浅埋洞室半垮b=3.0m,高h=8m,上覆松散体厚度H=20m,γ=18kN/m3、c=0,ψ=20°,用太沙基理论计算AB面上的均布压力接近()。
A. 280kPa B. 295kPa C. 290kPa D. 285kPa [单项选择]()年,南昌大学结束了江西省高校“旧三无”(无院士、无博士点、无重点大学)的历史。
A. 1991 B. 1992 C. 1993 D. 1994 我来回答: 提交