Once upon a free a poor farmer taking
a sack of wheat to the mill did not know {{U}} (56) {{/U}} to do when it
slipped from his horse and fell {{U}} (57) {{/U}} the road.The sack was
{{U}} (58) {{/U}} heavy for him to {{U}} (59) {{/U}}, and his only
hope was that {{U}} (60) {{/U}} someone would come riding by and
{{U}} (61) {{/U}} a hand. It was not long {{U}} (62) {{/U}} a rider appeared, but the farmer’s heart sank when he {{U}} (63) {{/U}} him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle nearby. The farmer {{U}} (64) {{/U}} have dared to ask {{U}} (65) {{/U}} farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come {{U}} (66) {{/U}} the road, but he could not beg a {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of so great a man. {{U}} (68) {{/U}} , as soon as the great man came up he got {{U}} (69) {{/U}} his horse, saying "I see you’ve had bad luck, A. knew B. understood C. remembered D. recognized [单项选择]尿频的病位主要在
A. 肝、胆 B. 肾、膀胱 C. 心、小肠 D. 脾、胃 E. 肺、三焦 [单选题]下面不属于新闻特性的有( )
A.用事实说话 B.完全真实 C.简短生动 D.可以虚构 [判断题]生产经营单位对承包单位、承租单位的安全生产工作统一协调、管理,定期进行安全检查,发现安全问题的,应当及时督促整改。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于NPV与基准收益率关系的描述中正确是( )。
A. 基准收益率减小,NPV相应增大 B. 基准收益率的大小与NPV无关 C. 基准收益率减小,NPV相应减小 D. 基准收益率增大,NPV相应增大 [单项选择]药典规定取用量为“约”若干时,系指取用量不得超过规定量的()。
A. ±0.1% B. ±1% C. ±5% D. ±10% [判断题]工作许可手续签名前,工作许可人应对工作负责人就工作票所列安全措施实施情况、带电部位、注意事项进行安全交代。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Even though the investigation has been going on for two months, the police have ______no further details about the accident.
A. comprised B. formulated C. released D. incorporated [单选题]同位素测井找窜是往地层内挤入( )测得放射性曲线。
A.含放射性的液体 B.清水 C.钻井液 D.盐水 [单项选择]胃大部切除术后由流质饮食改为半流质饮食后出现腹胀、呕吐,呕吐物含胆汁,则以下诊断中,可能性最大的是
A. 粘连性肠梗阻 B. 吻合口出现梗阻 C. 胃出血 D. 十二指肠残端破裂 E. 胃排空延迟 [单项选择]下列生物活性物质不属于内分泌的是()
A. 甲状腺素 B. 肾上腺素 C. 前列腺素 D. 胰岛素 E. 内因子 [多选题]托运人组织装车的货物,规定应苫盖篷布的货物而未( )或篷布绳索捆绑不牢固应由托运人改善后接收。
A.苫盖 B.苫盖不严 C.使用破损篷布 D.腰边绳短少 [单选题]继电保护装置、安全自动装置和自动化监控系统的二次回路变动时,应按经审批后的图纸进行,无用的接线应( ),防止误拆或产生寄生回路。
A. A.隔离清楚 B.B.标记清楚 C.C.分类清楚 D.D.整理清楚 [单项选择]商品从生产领域向消费领域运动的经济过程称为( )。
A. 商品消费过程 B. 商品运输过程 C. 商品流通过程 D. 商品销售过程 [判断题]电气化和非电气化区段轨道电路测试极性交叉都采用电压法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]国务院工业和信息化、商务等部门依据职责制定食品行业的发展规划和产业政策,采取措施推进产业结构优化,加强对食品行业诚信体系建设的指导,促进食品行业健康发展。()
A. 尼龙 B. 聚乙烯 C. 聚氯乙烯 D. 铝箔 [单选题]导线截面磨损部分不超过总截面积的6%,损伤深度不超过单股直径的( )
A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 D. 1/5 [单选题]>电弧法主要是清理( )原料表面缺陷。
A.合金钢 B.优质钢 C.高硬度合金钢 [单选题]地铁的地下工程及出入口、通风口、地面车站的耐火等级为( )。
A.一级 B. 二级 C. 三级 D. 四级 [单项选择]以下措施不宜于骨髓增生异常综合征的治疗的是()
A. 输血 B. 阿糖胞苷化疗 C. 维A酸 D. ATG E. 干扰素 [单选题]当遇到火灾时,要迅速向( )逃生。
A.着火相反的方向 B.人员多的方向 C.安全出口的方向 D.在原地等待救援 [单选题]甲某为了要男孩,将妻子刚生下的女婴,扔进小河里淹死。甲某犯有( )。
A.过失杀人罪 B.故意杀人罪 C.遗弃罪 D.虐待罪 [多选题]输液时如药物溢出血管外可以引起组织坏死的药物是( )
A.能量合剂 B.25%山梨醇溶液 C.5%葡萄糖氯化钠注射液 D.青霉素 E.去甲肾上腺素 [填空题]物理隔离技术是近年来发展起来的防止外部黑客攻击的有效手段。物理隔离产品主要有()和()。
[单选题] 下列哪项不是缺铁性贫血的实验室检查特点 ( )
A.以血红蛋白量减少为主 B.MCV 减少 C.MCHC 减少 D.血清铁降低 E.血清总铁结合力降低 [判断题]进入企业参观、检查的人员,接待部门负责对其进行安全注意事项教育,并指派相关负责人带队。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Under existing law, a new drug may be labeled, promoted, and advertised only for those conditions in which safety and effectiveness have been demonstrated and of which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved, or socalled "approved uses." Other uses have come to be called "unapproved uses" and cannot be legally promoted. In a real sense, the term "unapproved" is a misnomer because it includes in one phrase two categories of marketed drugs that are very different; drugs which are potentially harmful and will never be approved, and already approved drugs that have "unapproved" uses. It is common for new research and new insights to demonstrate valid new uses for drugs already on the market. Also, there arc numerous examples of medical progress resulting from the serendipitous observations and therapeutic innovations of physicians, both important methods of discovery in the field of therapeutics. Before such advances can result in new indications for inclusion in drug labeling,
A. the increased cost to the patient of buying an FDA-approved drug B. the medical benefits which can accrue to the patient through unlabeled use C. the time lag between initial discovery of a medical use and FDA approval of that use D. the possibility that a medically beneficial use may never be clinically documented [单选题]根据《企业破产法》 规定,下列各项中,可以作为破 产债权清偿的是( )。
A.破产申请受理前债务人尚未支付的保管费 B.破产申请受理前债务人尚未支付的公告费 C.破产申请受理前债务人尚未支付的公司强制清算费用 D.破产申请受理前债务人尚未支付的执行申请费 [判断题]《违章考核管理办法》:装置区作业时,经属地办理许可,有本单位监护人可以作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]硫化氢的危险临界浓度为( )mg/m3。
A.10 B.15 C.30 D.150。 [单选题]徒手水下寻找可分为几种方法?( )
A.单人,双人,多人 B.折线形 C.圆形 D.方形 [单选题]抬轿式轨束梁主扣轨的中心距一般不超过( )
A.A.2m B.B.2.4m C.C.3m D.D.3.4m [填空题]锅炉停运时必须采取( )措施。
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