Motivation is "the driving force within individuals that impels them to action." And goals are the sought-after results (1) motivated behavior. Motivation can be either positive or negative (2) direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition, (3) a driving force away from some object or condition. For example, a person may be impelled toward a restaurant to fulfill a need, hunger, and away (4) an airplane to fulfill a need of safety. Some psychologists refer to positive drives (5) needs, wants or desires, (6) negative drives as fears or aversions. (7), though negative and positive motivational forces seem to differ dramatically (8) terms of physical and sometimes emotional activity, they are basically similar in (9) they both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior. (10) this reason, researchers often refer (11) both kinds of drives or motives as needs, wants and desires. Goals, (12), can be either positive or negative. A positive
The mystery (悬案) around the
disappearance of the famous crime writer Agatha Christie in 1926 was almost as
{{U}} (36) {{/U}}as any of her exciting stories. At about 11 o’ clock on
the evening of Friday, December 3rd, Mrs. Christie got into her car and took a
drive without saying{{U}} (37) {{/U}}she was going. She didn’t
return. The next morning her car was found without{{U}} (38) {{/U}}at Newlands Corner, Surrey. it was {{U}} (39) {{/U}}put on record that the Surrey Police did not find{{U}} (40) {{/U}}until 11: 00 that morning. People {{U}} (41) {{/U}}that she might have killed herself. {{U}} (42) {{/U}}as the days went by, it was suggested that she was {{U}} (43) {{/U}}. The press and the public naturally took great interest in the{{U}} (44) {{/U}}, with at least one newspaper o A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months [名词解释]时刻
[单选题]更换大型配件时,( )要亲自组织指挥和负责安全工作。
A.工长 B.车间主任 C.值班干部 D.专职技术人员 [单选题]燃烧室出口温度应受到什么工作条件的限制:
A.受到发动机最大转速限制 B.受到喷管安全工作限制 C.受到涡轮叶片材料温度限制 [单选题]矿井必须有完整的独立通风系统。改变全矿井通风系统时,必须编制通风设计及安全措施,由[ ]技术负责人审批。( ) B.安监 C.通风 D.通风.安监 [判断题]承包商项目管理人员未进行专项安全培训,属于严重违章类行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些选项可以设定行政许可?
A.A法律 B.B行政法规 C.C地方性法规 D.D国务院部门规章 [单项选择]{{B}}Section A{{/B}}
{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}} This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.{{/I}}
A. Visit his friends during the vacation. B. Go to a travel agency for information. C. Stay at home during the vacation. D. Go to buy some books about travel. [简答题]白血病可以通过移植身体内的什么组织来治疗?
[单项选择][A] juice
[B] eraser [C] worker [D] star [E] farmer [F] hotel [G] housework People drink it. [单选题]发行人应在中国人民银行核准金融债券发行之日起( )个工作日内开始发行金融债券,并在规定期限内完成发行。
A.20 B.30 C.60 D.90 [多项选择]采用贡献原则来估算土地价格时,可采用的土地估价方法有( )。
A. 路线价估价法 B. 市场比较法 C. 收益还原法 D. 剩余法 E. 成本逼近法 [填空题]电气工具和用具应由专人保管,须进行定期_____。
[多选题]关于 γ 射线,下面正确的说法是( )
A.原子核能级跃迁退激时会放出 γ 射线 B.是波长较短的电磁波 C.没有静止质量 D.带电 E.不带电 [单选题] 电力系统的有功功率电源是()。
A. 发电机 B. 变压器 C. 调相机 D. 电容器 [填空题]Unconsciously, we all carry with us (51) have been called "body bubbles". These bubbles are like invisible walls (52) define our personal space. The amount of space changes (53) on the interpersonal relationship. For example, we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members than to (54) . Personality (55) determines the size of this space. Introverts often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than (56) .
Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese (57) and employee usually stand farther apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs tend to (58) closer together than Americana when talking. For Americans, (59) in social conversation is about an arm’s length to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be associated (60) greater intimacy or aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying "Excuse me," or "Pardon m [判断题]就产品而言,质量控制点可以是硬件产品的关键部位或零件,也可以是软件产品的环节或程序,还可以是流程性材料的重要工艺( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对肠结核最有价值的诊断是()。
A. X线钡餐检查发现肠腔狭窄 B. 结肠镜检查示回盲部炎症 C. 结肠镜下活检干酪样上皮样肉芽肿 D. 结核菌素试验强阳性 E. 粪便中检查到结核杆菌 [判断题]电气化铁路及附近发生火灾时,扑救人员用沙土灭火时必须位于接触网2.5米以外。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The clumsy movement of the giant panda amused all the _________.
A. visitors B. witnesses C. watchers D. spectators [单选题] 在气温高于35 ℃或轨温高于55 ℃时,特别是轨温较实际锁定轨温超过( ) ℃的地段,要增加巡热人员,加强对线路的巡视检查。(《太原铁路局无缝线路(道岔)管理细则》6.5)
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35 [不定项选择]影响污染物在包气带和含水层介质中吸附和解吸的因素很多,主要有介质()等。
A. 有机质含量 B. pH值 C. 粒度 D. 溶液的离子强度 [单选题]在本外币利润季报表、年报表中营业收入是指金融机构在提供服务以及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中形成的经济利益的( )。
A.流出 B.流入 C.流入与流出差额 D.增加 [简答题]在电气化铁路线路上作业,起道作业有何规定?《安规》第2.3.5条
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