{{B}}Study Styles{{/B}} You know whether you’re a morning person or a night owl. You know whether you’re a picky eater of a human garbage pail. But do you know if you learn better by reading or by hearing If you’ve survived school so far, you already have some sort of study routine for better or worse. We asked students all over the country for the lowdown on their methods of operations, and also collected some hard-won advice. See if you can recognize your own personal study method in the list below and learn how to study effectively. {{B}}The Dreamer{{/B}} You may say you’re studying. You may even look like you’re studying. But your mind is in the clouds. Your test performance seldom reflects those long hours you spent at your desk, almost studying. Kim, from Montreal, says:" When I get to the library, I end up sitting there an A. Cindy, from Lafayette, Pennsylvania. B. Sarah, from Scarsdale, New York. C. Roberta, from Princeton, New Jersey. D. Christina, from Cambridge, Massachusetts. [单项选择]
下面不属于软件工程3个要素的是 (2) 。不属于结构化方法划分的软件生存周期的三个大的阶段是 (3) 。 (2)处填()。A. 工具 B. 过程 C. 方法 D. 环境 [单项选择]妊娠六十日左右,出现阴脉弱小的机理是()。
A. 其人下焦精血素亏 B. 胎元初结,阴方受蚀 C. 恶阻呕吐,阴液耗伤 D. 恶阻不食,精血生化不足 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]结核性腹膜炎腹腔穿刺液为
A. 草绿色透明腹水 B. 黄色、混浊、含胆汁、无臭气之腹水 C. 血性、臭气重之腹水 D. 血性透明腹水 E. 混浊、臭气重之腹水 [单选题]张小姐,末次月经(LMP)为2001年3月3日,停经57天出现的症状有晨吐、尿频、乳房肿胀到医院做检查,尿妊娠试验阳性。双合诊黑加征阳性。最可能的诊断是( )
A.早孕 B.葡萄胎 C.侵蚀性葡萄胎 D.绒毛膜癌 E.宫外孕 [单选题]未经民政部门批准的残疾人康复中心的用电执行一般工商业及其他电价类别。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中共十七届五中全会强调,依法治国是实现“十二五”时期经济社会发展目标的根本保证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在急性肠梗阻的保守治疗过程中,关键性的措施是()。
A. 胃肠减压 B. 纠正水、电解质酸碱平衡失调 C. 缓解肠痉挛性疼痛 D. 输血 E. 抗生素应用 [单项选择]下列哪种药物在治疗量不可能降低窦性心率()
A. 美多心安 B. 胺碘酮 C. 奎尼丁 D. 普罗帕酮 E. 维拉帕米 [填空题]Dear Sirs,
The shipment of 850 copies of exam paper we ordered for delivery on 20 Jan.2009 did not arrive until the morning of 22 Jan.(Only 2 hours before the exam.)It should have been sent to us 2 days before.Besides,too many typing errors were found here and there in the paper. The job is by no means satisfactory to us: 1) The late delivery is inexcusable,since we have made it very clear when we wanted the paper in hand.Our teaching staff were found in a tight corner--the exam was to be held on time but we had not got the paper on time. 2) The typing suggests that the job was done at the last minute and so carelessly without enough time to check.We have here enclosed a copy with all the errors underlined.Since your typing and printing job and your delayed delivery don’t meet our professional expectation,we are writing to inform you that we have to lodge a claim by suggesting that you make us an allowance of 20%on the invoice cost.Please call Miss Spring at ext [单选题]箱式变压器也称(____)。
A.油浸式变压器 B.组合式变压器 C.分裂变压器 D.自耦变压器 [单选题] 电缆埋设深度,站内一般不少于( ) 。
A. 700mm B. 500mm C. 600mm [单项选择]程序性死亡的胚胎细胞将被何细胞清除?()
A. 支持细胞 B. 巨噬细胞 C. 滤泡细胞 D. 间质细胞 [单选题]现场防护员应根据作业现场地形条件、列车运行特点,作业人员和机具布置等情况确定()及移动路径,并做好自身保护
A.站位 B.防护地点 C.距离 D.瞭望处所 [填空题] Geography is the study of the (36)_________between people and the land. Geographers compare and (37)_________various places on the earth. But they also go beyond the (38)_________places and consider the earth as a whole. The word geography (39)_________from two Greek words, "ge", the Greek word for "earth", and "graphein", which means "to write". The English (40)_________ geography means "to describe the earth". Some geography books (41)_________on a small area such as a town or a city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or even an entire (42)_________. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another way to divide the study of geography is to (43) _________between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; (44)_______________________. But when geography is considered as a single subject, neither branch can neglect the other.
(45)__________________________. If places were alike, there would be little need for geographe
[单选题]刘某在一次临时施工变验收过程中,按规程临时用电检修电源箱应装自动空气开关、剩余电流动作保护器、接线柱或插座;其次专用接地铜排和端子、箱体必须( ),接地、接零标识应清晰。
A.有防潮装置 B.有防爆装置 C.有防护装置 D.可靠接地 [判断题]阿花是阿兰家的保姆。某日,阿花无意中发现阿兰的房间里堆放着大量暴恐音视频和书籍。后公安民警让阿花协助、配合对阿兰涉嫌恐怖活动进行调查,阿花可以拒绝。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某局公务员小章多年没休假,今年总算请了10天年休假,陪家人一起在青岛度假。10天期满,其妻子要求多请假一个月,小章向领导电话要求,领导说有案件线索等待调查,要求小章按时回单位。小章觉得领导不近人情,把手机关了,在青岛过了20天才回单位。根据《中华人民共和国公务员法》的有关规定,对于小章的情形应当采取哪项措施。( )
A.诫勉谈话 B.公开通报批评 C.予以辞退 D.酌情予以批评教育、扣发奖金、取消评先评优资格 [单选题]系统评价就是对系统运行一段时间后的技术性能及经济效益等方面的评价,是对信息系统审计工作的延伸。信息系统的技术性能评价内容不包括对( ) 的评价。
A.开发小组成员的技术水平 B.系统的总体技术永平 C.系统的功能覆盖范围 D.系统文档资料的规范、准确与正确程度 [单项选择]实验设计的基本要素是()。
A. 实验因素、实验效应、受试对象 B. 实验因素、实验效应、研究人员 C. 受试对象、研究人员、实验因素 D. 受试对象、干扰因素、实验因素 E. 实验因素、实验效应、实验场所 [单项选择]教师在上新课《尊严》这节内容前,对已选定的学习任务进行组织编排,使它具有一定的系统性,这属于教学设计中的哪个环节?()
A. 学习者分析 B. 教学目标分析 C. 学习需要分析 D. 学习内容分析 [简答题]简述两大类上肢矫形器功能的区别。
A.B B.对 C.错 [判断题]开采突出煤层时,工作面回风侧可以设置调节风量的设施。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]发展疾病管理体系的要素是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]220KV以上变压器各侧的中性点电流、间隙电流应(____)。
A.各侧配置单独的合并单元进行采集 B.于相应侧的合并单元进行采集 C.统一配置独立的合并单元进行采集 D.其他方式 [单选题]( )是内水与领海之间的分界线,也是划定毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架宽度的起点线。
A.国界 B.边界 C.海上边界 D.领海基线 [判断题]判断雷电时,应禁止在屋外高空检修、试验和屋内验电等作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于新增牌号和调价牌号,有限公司应在 个工作日内通知所有经销的零售客户。( )
A.3 B.5 C.6 D.7 二、多选题(7题) 我来回答: 提交