Manners in school, as everywhere else, are important to happy relation within the group. Western manners in this situation differ only slightly from good Chinese (21)
If you are in a very large class, it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on (22) . In a small class the teacher will probably notice each person as he arrives, and you (23) smile and say, "Good morning, Dr fen." Western manners do not require you to stand up when your teacher comes in or when you answer a question (24) do you need to stand still at the door for a moment when you come in. One never addresses one’s teacher as "Teacher". It is quite (25) to say "sir" to a man, but if your teacher is a woman, you must use her surname.
It is bad manners to come late to class. If you are late, (26) should be made to the teacher either at the time or after class.
It is bad manners in the classroom, as elsewhere, to
A. students
B. teachers
C. habits
D. manners
Text 3
In more than a century of hand-to-hand combat in shops, supermarket aisles, restaurants and bars around the world, Coca-Cola has nearly always been in the lead and Pepsi in second place. When Warren Buffett, Coke’s long-time investor, told the board that he had visited a pizza parlour in Omaha, Nebraska, with his grandson only to discover it served nothing but Pepsi, Coke’s bosses acted swiftly to remove their arch-rival from the menu and replace it with Coke.
If only the Atlanta-based company had moved as determinedly in response to changing consumer tastes, it might have avoided a humiliating reversal in fortunes. On December 12th PepsiCo overtook Coca-Cola in market capitalisation for the first time. With PepsiCo’s share price having risen by 14% this year, its stock market value reached $ 98.4 billion, compared with $ 97.9 billion for Coca-Co la, which has seen its shares decline by 1.2% in the same period.
Pepsi is powe
A. Coke is making the same products.
B. he prefers Pepsi to Coke.
C. Pepsi has many different products.
D. Pepsi is successful except soft drinks.
一般资料:求助者,男性,34岁,个体商户。害怕自己得心脏病,在朋友的陪同下前来心理咨询。对求助者进行了SCL-90测验,结果如下:躯体化1.8,强迫症状2.1,人际关系敏感2.3,抑郁1.8,焦虑1.8,敌对2.2,恐怖1.4,偏执3.5,精神病性4.0,其他1.6。 下面是心理咨询师和求助者的一段咨询谈话: 求助者:我主要的问题是:头痛、失眠、害怕、心神不宁,我怀疑有心理问题。 心理咨询师:好,我们一个一个来解决。你最想解决的是什么问题? 求助者:最想解决害怕。 心理咨询师:请具体谈谈,因为什么事情使你害怕。 求助者:两年前,我因腰椎间盘突出,吃了一偏方造成昏迷。有一天,我晚上喝完酒后和朋友打牌,突然心慌、气短、出冷汗,感觉自己要死了,到医院检查,医生让我戒酒,说要不然心脏会出问题,后果将不堪设想,所以我觉得自己的心脏有问题。 心理咨询师:你能拿出有病的依据来吗? 求助者:不能,去了好多家医院,检查过的心电图有厚厚一大摞,医生都告诉我心脏没问题,但我一点也不相信,很害怕自己有病没有诊断出来。现在我每天所考虑的就是自己的心脏,天天为自己把脉,有时心率快,都快90次了,提心吊胆,唯恐心脏出问题,无法集中精力去做事,现在基本不做生意了,觉得干什么都没意思。家里人都说我是癔症,精神不正常。 心理咨询师:我很理解你的痛苦,也为你的情况着急,你的问题确实很严重,这样下去会越来越糟糕的。 求助者:那我该怎么办呢? 心理咨询师:来我们这,你就放心吧,我会帮你解决的。 求助者:那太好了,你可比我的亲人还亲,你什么时候去我们老家玩,我一定免费接待你。 心理咨询师:那好,我去了给你打电话,我也给你我的电话,以后有问题可以往我家里打电话。下面,我针对你这个问题制定一个咨询方案吧,咨询方案就是咨询的计划,包括咨询目标,实现咨询目标所使用的心理学方法或技术的原理、过程,评估的手段,时间和次数的安排,你按照咨询方案来做就行了。