Some of the problems that (41)
people in the U.S. (42) in the cities during old
days are still (43) us -- poor planning, problems in
(44) neighborhoods, and public transportation. (45) was a very important for city governments in the last century, (46) regard to water supplies, it was known that water could be polluted, (47) they didn’t know (48) . Trying to get pure water was a big problem. People like to talk about the (49) old days, but actually, the cities of the 19th century were dirty and, (50) , filthier than today. (51) disease was a great (52) . There was still smallpox(天花) and also yellow fever and malaria. The (53) death rate was high, and there were other dangers as well. (54) true that people were not being killed by cars A. city B. money C. health D. land [单选题]使用金属杆直通柄顶的螺钉旋具,容易造成( )事故。
A.挫伤 B.触电 C.击伤 D.过载 [多选题]以下本行借记卡自助机具跨行转账,哪些描述是正确的 。
A..我行收到转账转出申请后实时扣划转出借记卡资金 B..自助机具跨行转账免费 C..跨行转账在24小时之内可以申请撤销 D..跨行转账不能撤销 E..自助机具跨行转账实时到账 [简答题]教育过程中班主任应怎样做好后进生的工作
A. 围生期型 B. 新生儿型 C. 婴儿型 D. 少年型 E. 成年型 [单选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,总承包单位应当自行完成建设工程()的施工。
A.整体结构 B.主要结构 C.所有结构 D.主体结构 [单选题]如果询问信号落在地面测距设备的抑制期,测距设备将对( )处理
A.强信号 B.弱信号 C.强、弱信号均 D.强、弱信号均不 [单选题]压力机传动系统中外露的传动齿轮、皮带轮、飞轮、杠杆等零件部件,其高度在()米以下者均需装设防护罩。
A.2 B.2.3 C.2.5 D.3 [简答题]简述涉外婚姻的特征?
A.避难层 B.消防电梯 C.疏散通道 D.逃生滑梯 [单项选择]
A. the rest B. another C. the other D. others [多选题]超过5000m3的下列建筑应设置室内消火栓()。
A. 办公楼 B. 商店 C. 旅馆 D. 门诊楼 E. 病房楼 [判断题]班主任是班级的组织者、领导者和教育者。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电气设备的预防性试验应严格按照《电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准》规定的各类电气设备的试验周期安排试验计划。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交