The video game poses a world—a much
simpler world than our own, where success is very clearly defined and, for a
time, clearly attainable. Through practice, a player can control this world for
a while. He can escape from the anxieties of real life into a place where his
own actions always count, where he can be a hero. When the game is over, he
hasn’t lost or been beaten. Is a surfer beaten when he flies from a
wave Most video games call for some semblance of hand-eye coordinatiofi, and some hospitals are now using them in recovery programs for brain-damaged patients. It has been found that some patients who were otherwise thought to be unreachable have been brought out, through their use. Moreover experimental research is now being conducted regarding the feasibility of video games as a test for drunken driving. The dr A. the ability to handle new situations B. skills in getting along with others C. physical power and forbearance D. hand-eye coordination [单项选择]通常比空气轻的气体在接近地面的大气中以()为主。
A. 垂直扩散 B. 水平扩散 C. 弥散 [单选题][单选题]ZYJ7电液转辙机第一牵引点开程为( )mm±3mm。
A. 120 B. 110 C. 150 D. 160 [多项选择]卷镜像(HyperMirror)主要应用于哪些镜像场景()。
A. OceanStor V3阵列内两个LUN的镜像 B. 配合异构虚拟化功能实现异构阵列的LUN与V3本阵列的镜像 C. 配合异构虚拟化功能实现两个异构LUN的镜像 [判断题]智能电网调度控制系统采用的操作系统应满足国家等级保护三级操作系统安全防护要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组仪表的检测包括检定(或校准)和( )检查两种方式。
A.有效期 B.功能 C.性能 D.气密性 [判断题]某化工厂准备开展一次应急响应功能演习,演习计划将盛有丙烯腈的储罐运到这片空地,但是为了防止演习发生意外事故,储罐只剩余约1/5体积的丙烯腈。根据上述描述,请判断,该厂演习有毒有害气体泄漏事故时,可以使用真正的有毒化学品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防救援队伍风灾处置救援行动组织灾情侦察中消防救援力量到场后,通过()、仪器检测、无人机空中侦察、侦察小组抵近侦察,以及查阅地理、地质、水文信息等方式,迅速查明情况
A.询问报警人 B.询问知情人 C.询问当地居民 D.向当地政府部门咨询 [单项选择]“常在河边走,就是不湿鞋”指的是会计职业道德具有()的特点。
A. 鲜明的政治性与原则性 B. 科学性和灵活性 C. 无私性和廉洁性 D. 规范性和约束性 [单选题] 近电作业,当作业人员或机械器具与220kV带电设备的最小距离小于( )m风险控制值时,施工项目部应编写安全施工方案,并将安全施工方案提交运维单位备案。 (1.0分)
A. 8.0 B. 9.0 C. 10.0 D. 11.0 我来回答: 提交