On the anniversary of the artist’s birth, Van Gogh’s Sunflowers was (21) for just under £ 25 million at the fine art auctioneers(拍卖), Christie’s, in London. The (22) was triple the previous record of £ 8 million paid in 1985 for Mantegna’s Adoration of the Magi. At least ten bidders (23) for the painting, half (24) telephone, anonymously battling it out in leaps of £ 500,000. Van Gogh wrote in a letter of 1889 that one of these Scots or Americans (25) to pay 500 francs--about £ 25 at that time-- for (26) a painting.
Christie’s chairman (27) reporters after the sale, "it’s a rare picture." A spokesman for the firm added, "It’s fantastic." Not (28) who was at the auction agreed. One commented, "More money (29) sense."
Many people do (30) uneasy that a picture could be auctioned for such an unbelievable sum. They find distastef
A. upset
B. interested
C. happy
D. gloomy
Today’s trumpet (小号) is one of the
world’s oldest instruments. It is the result of many centuries of development.
Although it looks nothing like its ancestors, there are many similarities. All
trumpets are hollow tubes. They are all blown. And they all use the player’s
lips to produce the basic sound. The trumpet developed as players and makers worked to improve its design, size, shape, material and method of construction. They wanted to create an instrument that would produce a beautiful and attractive tone, enable the performer to play all the notes of the scale, extend the range higher and lower, make it possible to play more difficult music, and in general, be easier to play well. The remarkable way in which the modern trumpet achieves these goals is a measure of the success of all those who struggled to perfect this glorious A. can be used in rock bands B. has historical significance C. is a religious instrument D. has a narrow range [单选题]持续发热,脾大,粒细胞减少,骨髓培养伤寒杆菌阳性
A.伤寒病例 B.伤寒带菌者 C.骨髓炎 D.慢性菌痢 E.伤寒临床诊断病例 [多选题]防爆电气设备入井前,应检查其(),检查合格并签发合格证后,方准入井。
A.产品合格证 B.防爆合格证 C.入井许可证 D.煤矿矿用产品安全标志 [单项选择]( )是用来说明建筑物所在具体位置和其周围环境关系的平面图。
A. 总平面图 B. 建筑平面图 C. 建筑立面图 D. 建筑剖面图 [单项选择]男,18岁,发现贫血、黄疸4年。脾肋下3cm.质中。血红蛋白85g/L,网织红细胞0.05,白细胞和血小板数均正常。红细胞渗透脆性试验:0.7%盐水溶液开始溶血。其父也有轻度黄疸下列哪种贫血最有可能()
A. 缺铁性贫血 B. 海洋性贫血 C. 遗传性球形红细胞增多症 D. 遗传性铁粒幼细胞贫血 E. 巨幼细胞性贫血 [名词解释]市民农园
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