As she walked round the huge department
store, Elaine {{U}} (67) {{/U}} how difficult it was to choose a suitable
Christmas present for her father. She {{U}} (68) {{/U}} that he were as
easy to please as her mother, who was {{U}} (69) {{/U}} delighted with
perfume. {{U}} (70) {{/U}}, shopping at this time of the year was a most
disagreeable experience: people {{U}} (71) {{/U}} on your toes, pushed
you with their elbows and almost knocked you {{U}} (72) {{/U}} in their
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} to get to a bargain {{U}} (74) {{/U}} of
you. Partly to have a rest, Elaine paused in front of a(n) {{U}} (75) {{/U}} where some attractive ties were on display. "They are real silk," the assistant {{U}} (76) {{/U}} her, trying to persuade her. "{{U}} (77) {{/U}} double the price. " But Elaine knew from her past experience that her {{U}} (78) {{/ A. magnificent B. necessary C. well-chosen D. expensive [单选题]下列那一项( )不属于公务员法规定的公务员必须具备的条件。
A.A担任检察官必须具备司法资格证书。 B.B身体健康。 C.C无刑事犯罪纪录。 D.D大专以上学历。 [填空题]使用携带型火汽油喷灯作业时火焰与带电部分的安全距离:电压在10kV以上者,应大于(____)m。
[填空题]Private groups help those patients with AIDS by organizing support groups and establishing many special centers where people with AIDS can______.
A.季度 B.半年 C.年 D.两年 [单项选择]
新名词——“涨时代”出现并成为2010年十大热词之一,反映的哲学道理是() A. ①② B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ③④ [单选题]越区作业,是指调机由本调车区到其他调车区进行的( )作业。
A.取车 B.送车 C.取送车 D.调车 [单项选择]我国企业年金基金投资管理人的职责主要包括()。
Ⅰ.对企业年金基金进行投资 Ⅱ.及时与托管人核对企业年金基金的会计核算和估值结果 Ⅲ.建立企业年金基金的投资风险准备金 Ⅳ.定期向受托人和监管部门提交投资管理报告 Ⅴ.根据国家规定保存企业年金基金财产会计凭证、会计账簿、年度财务会计报告和投资记录至少15年
A. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ B. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ [单选题]
在电流互感器二次回路的接地线上(____)安装有开断可能的设备 A. 不应 B. 应 C. 尽量避免 D. 必要时可以 [单项选择]活塞式压缩机常设有旁通调节,该调节能()。
A. 平衡气量 B. 减少耗功 C. 提高压力 D. 降低温度 [单选题]资本主义社会中工人的工资是( )
A.工人全部劳动的报酬 B.劳动价值或价格的转化形式 C.劳动力价值或价格的转化形式 D.工人在剩余劳动时间内创造的新价值 [多选题] 青岛特钢纪委就日常监督工作中发现的需要党委和公司管理层关注和解决的
( )等方面问题,口头或者书面向党委或者相关职能部门提出监督建议。 A.党风廉政建设 B.风险管控 C.管理效能 D.绩效分配 [单选题]马鹿茸中具2个侧枝者习称
A.单门 B.莲花 C.三岔 D.大挺 E.二杠 [判断题]( )搭设脚手架采用平插或斜插法绑扎,铅线头与鼻孔相交拧扭二圈半为宜,扭得圈数过多,铅线容易拧断,过少时不易绑紧。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《广西电网有限责任公司基建项目验收、投产及移交管理细则》Q/CSG-GXPG2053003-2021的相关规定,启动投产是指基建项目已按照()的要求 完成施工,通过各级验收并经质量监督合格,根据审批的启动方案进行投运,并完成试运行的活动。
A. 设计文件 B.合同约定 C.有关规程规范 D.国际标准 [判断题]久不发情母猪,需要做好合栏运动、饥饿疗法等刺激发情的工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【一户式查询(网格)(一户式2.0查询分析)】票流分析页面显示的红色“”图标代表( )。
A.上游二级纳税人 B.风险纳税人 C.关联纳税人 D.下游纳税人 [填空题]
[填空题]For centuries, the nature of the brain was shrouded in mystery. Aristotle is said to have 1 it was a cold sponge, whose main task was to 2 the blood. Later, Leonardo da Vinci 3 the brain as a curious void filled by three tiny bulbous structures 4 in a straight line 5 the eyeball.
Not all early theories were quite so misguided, 6 . From the first studies 7 language deficits, it was 8 that the brain played some direct part in language use. In 1836, an 9 French country doctor, Max Dax, claimed that, in forty aphasic (患失语症的) patients he had seen, 10 of language ability always 11 with damage to the left half of the brain. Thirty years later, this claim was 12 proved by the French surgeon Paul Broca. He had studied aphasic 13 in patients who were found to have brain damage 14 the left frontal lobe. Broca was struck by the contrast with right hemisphere damage, 15 seemed to have little effect on speech. The area Broca isolated and the aphasia associated with it now 16 his name, "Broca’’s a
A. A. above B. under C. beneath D. behind [判断题]科学活动中,为了客观公正地观察和分析事实材料,避免“带着有色眼镜看问题”,应当排除头脑中已有的理论认识的指导,使人们在观察中对一切已有的理论持“中立态度”。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]能源资源与能源需求分布不平衡的(),要求我国必须在全国范围内实行能源资源优化配置。
A. 国内环境 B. 基本格局 C. 基本国情 D. 能源结构 [判断题]对于开放式基金来说,如果是非上市的,投资者可以通过基金管理公司和委托商业银行、证券公司等的柜台,进行基金份额的申购和赎回。()
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