The swelling ranks of successful
Ethiopians( 埃塞俄比亚人) on the international athletic track and the media attention
they are receiving has inspired thousands of youngsters to devote all their
energy to becoming the future champions of distance running. Haile currently
reigns(统治) supreme as the world’s greatest distance runner. He has set 15 world
records and at 2000 year’s Sydney Olympics he retained the Olympic Gold medal he
first won in 1996. He is the latest in a long line. The world woke up to this
phenomenon in the 1960 Roma Olympics, when Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the men’s
marathon(马拉松) barefoot. Being born in the mountains means their bodies have already compensated for the lack of oxygen by having bigger hangs and more red blood cells. Not only do their bodies carry oxygen to the cells more efficiently; the cells A. train those young runners B. select top runners for the national team C. make money from running them D. do what he could for his country and his fellows [单选题]在淤泥质黏土中开挖近10m深的基坑时,降水方法应优先选用( )。
A.单级轻型井点 B.井管井点 C.电渗井点 D.深井井点 [单项选择]GIS设备根据各个元件不同作用,分成若干个气室,为了监视GIS设备各气室SF6气体是否泄漏而要重点检查各气室()
A. SF6气体压力良好 B. 回路三相电流平衡 C. SF6气体含水量 D. 含氧量 [单选题]1kV及以下热缩式电缆中间接头制作剥除内护套时在应剥除内护套处用刀子()切一环形痕,深度不超过内护套厚度的一半。
A.横向 B.纵向 C.顺时针方向 D.逆时针方向 [判断题]从标准、芯片和体验的角度看,毫米波作为5G首先使用的频段,是最佳选择
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《集管办法》规定:铁路箱空箱凭集装箱( )调整。
A.特殊货车及运送用具回送清单 B.发送量 C.到达量 D.调度命令 [单项选择]“控制要随条件和时间变化调整其控制方式”体现的控制特征是()
A. 灵活性 B. 适用性 C. 合理性 D. 及时性 E. 目的性 [填空题]党的全国代表大会每 ( ) 年举行一次。
A. 第一步 B. 第二步 C. 第三步 D. 第四步 [单选题].女性,30岁,肛门胀痛.排尿困难6天。畏寒.高热,肛门外未见明显异常,直肠指检:肛管左壁局限性隆起,压痛明显。关于该病人的护理不妥的是
A. 物理降温 B.控制排便 C.1:5000高锰酸钾坐浴 D.遵医嘱应用抗菌药 E.嘱病人多饮水 我来回答: 提交