Superstition is a biased word.
Look up almost any dictionary definition and you will see that it implies
that every religion not based on reason or knowledge is called a superstition.
Even the word knowledge is a two-faced word. Presumably, it is used as a synonym
for reason. What it all comes down to is that people designate as
superstitious what they do not think reasonable in someone else’s
religion. It is true that a person’s religion must be based on some kind of knowledge. But what kind of knowledge is meant Scientific, experimental, rational Such knowledge is natural and maybe ethical and then it is natural religious knowledge. A person may quite easily conclude from observing the universe that only God could have produced it. That knowledge is not religion, not even if a person is bound to recognize a creator of the A. some religious knowledge not based on reason B. anything that seems unreasonable to them C. anything that seems unreasonable in another person’s religion D. any natural knowledge of a religion that is two-faced and totally different from another [单项选择]工程分析的工艺过程分析、核算工作中应特别注意到的一个问题是( )。
A. 非正常工况下污染源强的核算与确定 B. 厂地的开发利用分析 C. 生态影响因素分析 D. 资源能源储运分析的内容与深度 [多项选择]下列属于自理报检单位的有( )。
A. 有进出口经营权的国内企业 B. 进口货物的收货人或其代理人 C. 出口货物的生产企业 D. 中外合资、中外合作、外商独资企业 [单选题]国产60kg/m钢轨,轨腰厚是( )。
A.20mm B.16.5mm C.15.5mm D.14.5mm [简答题]《煤矿瓦斯抽采基本指标》对采掘工作面防治突出措施超前钻孔的控制范围怎样规定?
[多选题]多功能挠钩由挠杆和单头、双或多头挠钩组成。用于破拆( )、清理( )寻找( )或( )。
A.墙体 B.小型障碍 C.被困人员 D.灾后清理 [单选题]在安全操作中化工企业职业纪律的特点( )
A. 一定的强制性 B.一定的弹性 C.一定的自我约束性 D.一定的团结协作性 [单选题]【单选】
磨煤机备用状态启动前先喷入( )分钟消防蒸汽,防止磨煤机着火。 A.5-10 B.10-15 C.3-5 D.2-5 [多选题]阀门的产品合格至少有如下内容:( )适用介质及温度、依据的标准、检验结论及检验日期、出厂编号、检验员盖章。 A.制造厂名称及出厂日期 B.产品名称型号及规格 C.公称压力 D.公称通径
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F [多选题]铁路旅客运输办理细则中发生火灾爆炸等事故时,应组织旅客( ),必要时应分解列车,调查取证并迅速与就近车站联系,向客调及上级有关领导报告情况。
A.撤离现场 B.抢救伤员 C.扑救火灾 D.离开现场 [填空题]为了便于安装、检修和密封,工业锅炉的排污管道应尽可能的采取()连接。
A.行政机关 B.社会团体 C.人民检察院 D.个人 [单项选择]滚刀剪切时,上下滚刀的夹角为()。
A. 15° B. 20° C. 25° D. 30° [单选题]衡量通货膨胀最常用最基本的指标是( )。
A.消费者物价指数 B.生产者物价指数 C.国内生产总值物价平减指数 D.国民生产总值物价平减指数 [判断题]核料位仪表可靠性不高。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如图所示电路,其输入波形如下,试画出其输出波形,并标明幅度.
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