You may open your electronic mail and
find information about how to buy medicine, cheap airline tickets, books and, of
course, computers and computer products. There may also be offers for investment
deals, bank loans and special holidays. However, to many computer users, this
use of electronic {{U}}spam{{/U}} sell products has become a major problem as it
makes computer communication more difficult. Many companies who want to send a great deal of advertisement might use the services of a "spammer’. A spammer is a person or company that uses computers to send out millions of copies of the same sales information. Spammers find e-mail addresses from websites, news groups and "chat rooms" where people send messages to each other. Most spam is sent by companies who are trying to get you to buy their products. Some of these are honest A. Spam is very helpful in providing you with useful information about product sales. B. Spam helps companies to sell more of their products so it should be valued by people. C. Spam is sent out by those who want to separate you from your money. D. Look out for any spam that reaches your computer. [单选题]疫情防控期间收场作业取消两遍哨收场作业,改为列车长用( )通知收场。
A.对讲机 B.一遍哨 C.吹哨 D.G网手机 [单选题]对于仅有上网需求的客户,通用建议客户开通()。
A.MPLS-VPN专线; B.数据专线; C.语音专线; D.互联网专线 E.略 F.略 G.略 [多项选择]脂肪在分解时,其()将发生明显的变化。
A. 碘价 B. 熔点 C. 比重 D. 折光系数 E. 皂化价 [判断题] 年7月19日,某地一化工有限公司所属分装厂,分装农药。由于没有严格的防护措施,几名临时招聘的女工在倒装农药时,先后发生头晕、恶心、呕吐等中毒症状,相继被送到医院。因抢救及时没有人员死亡。根据上述事实,请判断,因该公司招聘人员应当进行上岗前和在岗期间的职业卫生教育和培训,普及有关职业卫生知识。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]维护社会公平是社会政策的目标之一。其主要体现为力求兼顾( )。[2008年真题]
A. 经济发展与社会稳定的关系 B. 经济发展与环境保护的关系 C. 社会中各地区、各阶层和各类人群的利益 D. 个人、局部和社会总体的利益 E. 人们的眼前利益与长远利益 [判断题]全体员工都应具备维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警义务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]重大施工质量事故是指( )。
A. 10万元以下的经济损失 B. 100万元以上的经济损失 C. 造成经济损失10万元以上或重伤3人以上或造成死亡 D. 直接经济损失10万元以上 我来回答: 提交