Washington, DC has traditionally been
an unbalanced city when it comes to the life of the mind. It has great national
monuments, from the Smithsonian museums to the Library of Congress. But
day-to-day cultural life can be thin. It attracts some of the country’s best
brains. But far too much of the city’s intellectual life is devoted to the
minutiae of the political process. Dinner table conversation can all too easily
turn to budget reconciliation or social security. This is changing. On October 1st the Shakespeare Theatre Company opened a 775-seat new theatre in the heart of downtown. Sidney Harman hall not only provides a new stage for a theatre company that has hitherto had to make do with the 450-seat Lansburgh Theatre around the corner. It will also provide a platform for many smaller arts companies. The fact that so many of A. discuss the changes of Washington’s cultural life in Bush’s administration. B. indicate that Washington’s intellectual life is more developed than elsewhere. C. highlight the question of American global strategy in the national debate. D. draw a Comparison between American universities and Washington. [多选题]卡线器有( )等缺陷时应予报废。
A.A.裂纹 B.B.弯曲 C.C.转轴不灵活 D.D.钳口斜纹磨平 [单选题] 钢轨打磨时,其他人员应远离打磨(??? )。
A.左侧 B.前方 C.两侧 D.右侧 [单选题]井控培训对于专业技术人员,以正确判断溢流、正确关井、计算压井参数,掌握压井程序、实施压井作业,正确判断井控装置故障及( )为重点。
A. 训练井喷失控处理能力 B. 训练防喷演习能力 C. 训练模拟井喷失控处理能力 D. 以上都不对 [多选题]多选题:新线三权接管的三权指地铁新建工程的( )。
A.调度指挥权 B.建设管理权 C.属地管理权 D.设备设施使用权 [判断题]达到以下任一条件即可启动二级客流控制:非付费乘客堆积,达到非付费区面积的2/3时
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 导线接头、控制器触点等接触不良是诱发电气火灾的重要原因。所谓“接触不良”,其本质原因是()。
A.触头、接触点电阻变化引发过电压 B.触头接触点电阻变小 C.触头、接触点电阻变大引起功耗增大 [单选题]岩屑描述应在()光线下描述未过筛的岩屑()。
A.自然光.湿样 B.自然光.干样 C.强光.湿样 D.强光.干样 E.略 F.略 [判断题]( )承载鞍挡边折断后,使侧架导框失去横向控制。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国产直流调车机、小运转直流电力机车每( )进行一次中修。
A.8~10年 B.6~8年 C.4~6年 D.不少于3年 [填空题]遇有( )级以上大风、雷暴雨天气,禁止露天高处作业。
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