The farmers and bad debts have become
synonymous. Little wonder then that a bank that carries a third of all loans to
America’s farmers is in trouble. But when that bank’s total debt is $ 60
billion, more than half the size of Brazil’s, and its losses over the past two
years, at $ 4.8 billion, exceed anything in American banking history, the
problem becomes political as well as financial. Congress began this week to
discuss a bill to rescue the Farm Credit System. The Farm Credit System is not strictly a bank. It is a peculiar animal, a federation of 37 banks (three in each of 12 regions and one to sell bonds to Wall Street) containing 387 lending associations, owned by the farmers who borrow from them. It was set up by the federal government in the early years of the century to give farmers an alternative source of credit to the banks, but has long A. (A) keep away B. (B) cover up C. (C) win over D. (D) aim at [多项选择]保监局应当在执行中国保监会分类监管措施的基础上,结合中国保监会对保险公司下达的监管措施和辖区分支机构风险状况,对保险公司分支机构采取不同的监管政策和监管措施,对B类机构,保监局可采取以下哪些监管措施:()。
A. 风险提示 B. 监管谈话 C. 责令限期改正 D. 针对所存在的问题进行现场检查 E. 不采取特别的监管措施 [填空题]地物杂波主要有()和()。
[单选题]CRH1A型动车组的辅助逆变器可以提供三相AC400V, 电源。
A.40 Hz B.50 Hz C.60 Hz D.70 Hz [单项选择]一个厂家对分销商基本上不加选择,任何一个分销商都可以分销企业的产品,这种渠道模式是。()
A. 密集分销 B. 选择分销 C. 稀疏分销 D. 以上均可 [单选题]某县应急管理局拟对一家违法企业实施停止供电的强制措施,除有危急安全生产安全的紧急情形除外,根据《安全生产法》,应当提前()小时通知该企业。
A.12 B.24 C.48 [单选题]负载取星形连接,还是三角形连接是依据( )。
A.电源的接法而定 B.电源的而定电压而定 C.负载所需电流而定 D.电源电压大小和负载电压而定 [填空题]对乘客投诉的调查()属于二类有责投诉。
A.规模性 B.专业性 C.职业化 D.社会功能性 [单选题]饱和蒸气压( )的液体称为难挥发组分。
A.中等 B.较大 C.较小 [多选题]欧姆定律的数学表达式为()。
A.I=U/R B.U=IR C.R=U/I D.I=E/U 我来回答: 提交