The free enterprise has produced a
technology capable of providing the American consumer with the largest and most
varied marketplace in the world. Technological advances, however, have come
hand-in-hand with impersonal mass marketing of goods and services. Along with
progress, too, have come some instances of manipulative advertising practices
and a great increase in products whose reliability, safety and quality are
difficult to evaluate. Today’s consumers buy, enjoy, use and discard more types of goods than could possibly have been imagined even a few years ago. Yet too often consumers have no idea of the materials that have gone into the manufacturer’s finished product or their own motivation in selecting one product over another. Easy credit and forceful techniques of modern marketing persuade many consumers to A. buying items on sale B. buying items on credit C. buying items at discount D. buying items advertised in newspapers [判断题]生产经营单位应当将事故隐患排查治理情况向从业人员通报。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《党政机关国内公务接待管理规定》,接待单位应当根据规定的接待范围,严格接待审批控制,对能够合并的公务接待统筹安排。对无()的公务活动和来访人员一律不予接待。
A.公函 B.红包 C.回扣 [判断题]按规定上下班时间出勤,不得迟到、早退。上班时间以到岗为准,凡上班时间未到岗30分钟以内
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]党的十八届四中全会强调,深入推进社会治安综合治理,依法强
A.妨碍社会安全 B.影响安全生产 C.损害生态环境 D.破坏网络安全 [单项选择]Although the dream of the home robot has not died, robots have had their greatest impact in factories. Unimate, the first industrial robot, went to work for General Motors in 1961. Even at a time when computing power was costly, robots made excellent workers and proved that machines controlled by computers could perform some tasks better than humans. In addition, robots can work around the clock and never go on strike.
There are now about 800 000 industrial robots around the world, and orders for new robots in the first half of 2007 were up a record 26% from the same period in 2006, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Demand is increasing as prices fall: a robot sold in 2007 cost less than a fifth of an equivalent robot sold in 1990, for example. Today, in car factories in Japan, Germany and Italy, there is more than one robot for every ten production workers. Similarly, agricultural robots harvest billions of tones of crops every year. A. become more and more popular among families B. be made just like the ones in Hollywood movies C. be used more widely in agricultural, contexts D. be able to do housework with high intelligence [判断题] 高速铁路欠超高一般应不大于40mm,困难条件下不大于60mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]His father often said to him, “You are old enough to make your own living instead of living ______ your parents.
A. off B. for C. by D. with [多选题]目前,我总队配备的水枪有哪些?( )
A. 多功能水枪 B. 洪水水枪 C. 穿刺水枪 D. 屏风水枪 [单选题]飞机:延误( )
A.轮船:逗留 B.货车:超载 C.公交车:拥堵 D.火车:晚点 [单项选择]计算机软件可以分类为()。
A. 操作系统软件 B. 应用平台软件 C. 应用业务软件 D. 以上都对 我来回答: 提交