Hawaii, the youngest state of the United States, is different in many ways from the mainland states. The Hawaiian people are a mixture of the (21) Hawaiians and many immigrants who arrived (22) . When the first pineapple plantations (23) in Hawaii in the 1900’s, there were not enough people living on the islands to do all the work. (24) more came: the Chinese, Japanese, and the Portuguese were the main groups.
For many years, Hawaiian customs were looked down on or (25) . Now there is new pride in the old ways. Children are learning the (26) language and the traditional songs and dances. At the University of Hawaii there is a great deal of interest in the history of the islands and the culture of the (27) .
Visitors to the islands (28) to see the island paradise as it (29) to be. Large numbers of tourists from the Mainland (30) in Hawaii daily. Signs of modern tourism are
A. before
B. ago
C. over
D. near
Today the game reserves(猎物保护区)of East
Africa are facing a number of threats. (76){{U}}Although they earn considerable
revenue(收入) by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly
sought by the local people. {{/U}}While these reserves feed and protect animals,
they are in danger of turning into barren areas or deserts. Trees, shrubs and
grass are gradually being eaten by grazing herds. Another problem is to be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are losing their hereditary(天生)fear of man. In this way they may become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problems will become serious in a few years’ time. The problem of shortage of land is not a simple one. (77) {{U}}As the population A. The bad weather B. The disappearance of vegetation which is eaten by the animals C. The violent storms D. The animals [单项选择]“髓海”是指()
A. 骨 B. 胆 C. 脑 D. 髓 E. 女子胞 [多选题]网络运营者收集、使用个人信息,应当遵循( )的原则,公开收集、使用规则,明示收集、使用信息的目的、方式和范围,并经被收集者同意。
A.公平 B.必要 C.合法 D.正当 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,一级动火区,是指火灾危险性(),发生火灾时后果很()的部位、场所或设备
A.很大;严重 B.很小;严重 C.很大;一般 D.很小;一般 [单项选择]下列关于建设工程施工合同的工期说法不正确的是( )。
A. 合同协议书内应明确注明开工日期 B. 在合同协议书内应明确注明竣工日期 C. 在合同协议书内应明确注明合同工期总日历天数 D. 招标选择承包人的,工期总日历天数也就是招标文件要求的天数 [单选题] 人体体内电阻约为( )Ω
A.300 B.200 C.500 [多项选择]市场行业协会的作用在于()
A. 为市场举办者提供政策、信息咨询服务 B. 为市场举办者经营指导 C. 维护市场举办者的合法权益 D. 维护市场经营者的合法权益 [单项选择]下列叙述中正确的是( )。
A. break语句只能用于switch语句 B. 在switch语句中必须使用default C. break语句必须与switch语句中的case配对使用 D. 在switch语句中,不一定使用break语句 [单选题]488高速铁路18号道岔,SSB.3型弹性夹安装位置在()。
A.序号86~98岔枕护轨垫板 B.序号4~34岔枕支距垫板 C.序号35~38岔枕滑床板 D.序号35~38岔枕滑床台 [单选题]下列哪项不是癫痫病人间歇期的药物治疗原则()
A. 从单一药物开始,从小剂量开始,逐渐加量 B. 坚持长期规律服药,不能突然停药,间断用药不利于癫痫控制 C. 一种药物未达最大血药浓度,且不能控制发作者再加用第二种药物 D. 5岁以下儿童,每次发作都伴有发热,一般不用抗癫痫药物 E. 药物选择应根据发作类型、药物不良反应大小、药物来源与价格决定 [多选题]《建设工程监理规范》(GB/T50319-2013)的规定.专业监理工程师的职责包括( )。
A.参与编制监理规划 B.负责编制监理实施细则 C.审批监理实施细则 D.进行工程计量 E.收集、汇总、参与整理监理文件资料 [单选题]数控机床几乎所有的辅助功能都通过( )来控制。
A.继电器 B.主计算机 C.G代码 D.PLC [单选题]进行焊接或切割作业时,操作人员应穿戴( )、绝缘鞋、防护手套等符合专业防护要求的劳动保护用品。衣着不得敞领卷袖。
A.A.棉质服装 B.B.静电防护服 C.C.防化服 D.D.专用工作服 [多项选择]雪顿节上都有哪些活动?()
A. 藏戏表演 B. 展佛仪式 C. 品尝美食 D. 唱歌跳舞 E. 静心修行 [单项选择]检漏过程中,非操作人员距离管道(),不得触及探头和管道。
A. 2m以外 B. 2m以内 C. 1m以内 D. 1m以外 [填空题]News reports often focus on disputes among scientists over the validity of preliminary (untested) data, hypotheses, and models (which by definition are tentative). This aspect of science- 1 because it has not been widely 2 and accepted-is called frontier science. The media 3 to focus on frontier science because its so-called "breakthroughs" make good news stories. Just because something is in the 4 of frontier science, 5 , does not mean that it isn’’t worthy of serious consideration; 6 , such matters need further study to determine their 7 .
8 contrast, consensus science consists of data, models, theories, and laws that are widely accepted. This aspect of science is very reliable but is 9 considered newsworthy. The trouble is that the word science is used to 10 both frontier and consensus science, without 11 The media preference 12 frontier science gives the public the 13 impression that frontier science 14 very certain conclusions, which may or may not be correct.
However, 15 s
A. A. checked B. tested C. approved D. confirmed [单项选择]
患者,男性,56岁。反复餐后上腹疼痛半年,X线钡剂检查发现胃窦部有一1.5cm大小龛影,局部胃壁略僵硬。B超检查示肝内有一可疑低回声区,约1.5cm。化验检查血红蛋白9g/dl,白细胞5×109/L,A/G为3.2/2.0。 需要进行的免疫学诊断是()A. 癌胚抗原 B. IgA抗体 C. AFP D. 白细胞黏附抑制试验 E. 皮肤迟缓反应试验 [单选题]“误信基督教是真的,所失不大;而误信基督教是假的,则损失严重”,这是( )的话。
A.伯尔曼 B.奥古斯丁 C.帕斯卡尔 D.华盛顿 [多项选择]按照广播电视节目在传播活动中所显示的主要性质及其功能,可把它们分为()
A. 新闻性节目 B. 综合性节目 C. 教育性节目 D. 服务性节目 E. 文艺性节目 [单选题]Windows中"磁盘碎片整理程序"的主要作用是().
A.修复损坏的磁盘 B.缩小磁盘空间 C.提高文件访问速度 D.扩大磁盘空间 [单选题]强调学生的“一般发展”,要求“以最好的教学效果来达到学生最理想的发展水平”的苏联教育家是()。
A.巴班斯基 B.赞科夫 C.加里宁 D.凯洛夫 我来回答: 提交